Today’s news: Duque’s options for the Constitutional Court and the statue of Fuad Char – Government – Politics


This week we are telling you the names of those elected by President Iván Duque to present the shortlist before Congress for the election of the new magistrate of the Constitutional Court. Likewise, the government’s scolding of National Planning for a draft that proposed to facilitate mass layoffs for economic reactivation.

In addition, the defense minister, Carlos Holmes Trujillo, is preparing for a double speech in Congress to respond to a debate on political control and the motion of no confidence cited by Senator Enrique Robledo.

All this and much more in secret…

The shortlist is almost ready

Before the end of this month, President Iván Duque plans to present to Congress the short list that corresponds to the National Government to elect a new magistrate of the Constitutional Court. The names that Duque is reviewing are those of Camilo Gómez (director of the Defense Legal Agency), Miguel Ceballos (Peace Commissioner), Rodrigo Noguera (rector of the Sergio Arboleda University) and those of the constitutionalists Claudia Dangond, Juan Manuel Charry and Álvaro Motta.

Ears tug


On Friday, the economic daily Portafolio reported on a draft of a National Planning document Conpes for the economic reactivation in which it was proposed to facilitate layoffs. This forced the National Government to react immediately and say that this was a draft that was not approved and that much less had the approval of the Presidency. And of course the scolding came from the Casa de Nariño. The first was for the Planning Chief, Luis Alberto Rodríguez. But the strongest slap on the wrist was for Daniel Gómez, the deputy director, as he was in charge of the matter.

Punishment to the Pole

Grab on the Polo threatens division in that match

It was at the meeting of the National Board of Directors of the Alternative Democratic Pole held this weekend that the division in the left-wing party became more evident.

In 2017 the Polo had to hold its National Congress, but it did not. For this reason, the National Electoral Council has just imposed a fine of 34 million pesos. That value will be deducted from the resources that are turned to the left party for state funding.

The statue of Fuad Char

Char statue

In the past week, Christian Daes, operating president of Tecnoglass, took Antonio Char, son of Fuad Char, former senator and president of Atlético Junior, to discover the bronze statue of his father and was impressed with the resemblance it has to your parent. “It’s just the same,” Char said excitedly, and thanked him for this tribute in life to his father. The bust of the majority shareholder of the Barranquilla team is in the Campeones Window, a structure that aims to pay tribute to the Junior, which was donated by Daes.

Double speech

Carlos Holmes Trujillo

Carlos Holmes Trujillo, Minister of Defense.


Rodrigo Sepúlveda. TIME Archive

In a fact that has not been seen in Congress for a long time, Defense Minister Carlos Holmes Trujillo plans to deliver two speeches, in two different debates, but in the same corporation and in a single session.
The fact can be seen this Thursday in the Senate, where the official will first attend a debate on political control, cited by Senator Roy Barreras, and then a motion of censure by opposition senator Jorge Enrique Robledo.
In both, Minister Trujillo will have to answer the questions of the congressmen, for which the session is expected to last throughout the day.

Isabel the Catholic Order


Millán, current director of the Instituto Caro y Cuervo.


Claudia Rubio / TIME

The director of the Caro y Cuervo Institute, Carmen Rosa Millán, received a letter this week from the Spanish embassy in Bogotá in which they notified her of very good news for the entity. They informed him that King Felipe VI awarded the Institute the Plaque of Honor of the Order of Isabel la Católica. According to El Caro y Cuervo, the Plaque of the Order rewards those extraordinary behaviors of a civil nature, carried out by Spanish and foreign people, that redound to the benefit of the Spanish nation or that contribute, in a relevant way, to favoring friendly relations and cooperation of Spain with the rest of the International Community.

Health check

The Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz.

The Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz.

This Tuesday, some heavyweights will analyze the situation of the health system in the country. In a virtual forum organized by EL TIEMPO, the Comptroller General, Carlos Felipe Córdoba, who will arrive loaded with figures, and the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, will analyze in an open dialogue the alternatives and opportunities that the covid-19 pandemic offers, given the real headache that health has become in the country. There will also be unions from the sector and academics.

Particular concept

Casanare Court

They sue in the Court of Casanare for the election of the mayor of Trinidad.

A Yopal judicial attorney raised concerns with a concept before the Casanare Court in a lawsuit against the election of the mayor of Trinidad. He considered that the president was disqualified and asked that the election be declared as mayor of the municipality with the respective credential for the person who obtained the second vote. The point is that the law indicates, in an explicit way, which is the way when the election of a mayor falls and it is never to give the credential to the second in vote.

Inclusion path

Inclusion week Antioquia

From October 13 to 17, a tour of different regions of the country was carried out within the framework of Inclusion Week.


Twitter: @SusanaCorreaBor

Several municipalities of Antioquia received this week the visit of high-level officials of the National Government, within the framework of the Week of Inclusion. The director of Social Prosperity, Susana Correa; the director of Family Welfare, Lina Arbeláez, and the director of the Unit for Victims, Ramón Rodríguez, were delivering works and projects. In Carmen de Viboral, for example, a soccer field was delivered in which Prosperidad Social invested more than $ 2.6 billion.

