To jail woman who suffocated her seven-year-old son


The inhabitants of the Ciudadela 20 de Julio neighborhood, in the south of Barranquilla, could not have a quiet night last Monday. When the clock struck 10:00 pm, a Metropolitan Police patrol arrived at a building located in the 48C street with 1A race, because a man asked them for help because, apparently, his son was dead and his wife had ingested a medicine with the intention of stopping living.

At that moment, the uniformed men entered the house and found the scene: the lifeless body of the seven-year-old boy and the woman with some self-inflicted wounds with a knife.

The minutes passed and the news that Nini Martínez Dueñas, 40 years old, had taken the life of his son by mechanical asphyxiation quickly spread throughout the sector.

Read here: Woman would have suffocated her son and tried to kill herself

The neighbors, noticing the cordon off of the block, left their homes to see what had happened and confirmed what was rumored when they saw the forensic technicians of the Attorney General’s Office enter with an aluminum stretcher and some white bags.

Minutes earlier, the authorities had taken the badly wounded and sleepy woman to a health center as captured for what she had done, and who later confessed.

In the afternoon of this Tuesday it was learned that Martínez Dueñas was prosecuted and later sent to the detention center The Good Shepherd for the crime of aggravated homicide, which he did not accept during the hearing.

Survived the drama

Faced with what happened, the Metropolitan Police of Barranquilla appeared for the corresponding investigations and through Colonel Carlos Cabrera, deputy commander of the Mebar, said that the woman will be presented before a judge who will define her legal situation.

Also, the officer gave more details of what happened. “According to research, she herself confirmed that at 10:00 a.m. on Monday she suffocated her son and then he took some pills that made him drowsy ”.

It was through a WhatsApp message that the woman told the child’s father what had happened. The message arrived in the evening of Monday.

“The woman tried to kill herself twice”, Detailed the officer after confirming the notice through the cell phone.

The minor, according to information provided by the authorities, suffered from hydrocephalus.
