‘Timochenko’ was discharged and will continue to recover at home


After spending several hours in a hospital for heart problems, the leader of the FARC party, Rodrigo Londoño, known as ‘Timochenko’, reported that he was discharged and that he will continue his recovery at home.

“Everything went well, let’s go home. Everything went well, a lot of rest, diet and discipline, let’s go ahead guys, ”said Londoño.

Hours earlier, he himself had pointed out that after several routine examinations he had been determined that he had a heart condition that had to be managed through catheterization. “A small engine repair and it’s just a problem of time,” he said.

Londoño’s statements stop the rumors that had been circulating on social networks about his state of health and that they indicated that it had worsened.

“The news that moves on networks about Timo’s health is fake news. Timo underwent a normal procedure already scheduled to renew some stents and he is already at home on rest, ”said Pablo Catatumbo in this regard.

Timochenko thanked the health personnel for the care received.
