Three changes in your life recommended by Harvard to avoid colon cancer


In developed countries, people die, above all, of cardiovascular and cancer diseases, and Spain is not an exception, as confirmed by the National Statistics Institute (INE) – the covid-19 pandemic will alter this trend, although it will take a few months to find out what the impact is. They are conditions linked, in most cases, to the lifestyle in which the sedentary lifestyle, inadequate diet, tobacco and alcohol consumption and pollution are the main factors involved.

Different epidemiological studies have analyzed the impact that our actions have on the development of various tumors. For example, taking into account the physical activity, an international work, published in the ‘Journal of Clinical Oncology’, that analyzed 75,000 people for more than 10 years, found that doing non-professional physical exercise reduces the risk of seven of the most common tumors, including those of the colon, breast or liver, as we have in Alimente.

Colon tumors are the leading cause of cancer in Spain and this year more than 44,000 new cases will be diagnosed.

Another of the epidemiological reference works, this time focusing on the Mediterranean diet and cardiovascular risk, is Predimed (Prevention with Mediterranean Diet), which includes more than 7,400 people over 50, who have been followed for several years. years. Since it started in 2002, it has been producing results that confirm the benefits of this dietary pattern beyond the purpose for which the study was conceived (to assess the effect of Mediterranean diet on cardiovascular risk). The last one was known a few weeks ago, through the ‘Journal of Clinical Medicine’, and points to a protective association between following the recommendations on healthy lifestyle of the World Cancer Research Fund / American Institute for Cancer Research (WCRF / AICR) and the risk of developing colorectal cancer.

How to live not to get cancer

Colorectal cancer is a major public health problem worldwide, as it is the second most common tumor in women and the third in men. In 2018, there were more than 1.8 million cases of this neoplasm and its prevalence is expected to increase further due to the growth of the elderly population, as well as the adoption of westernized habits and lifestyles. In Spain, according to the report ‘Cancer figures in Spain 2020’, of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), this type of tumor is the most frequent, and estimates suggest that during this year more than 44,200 new cases will be diagnosed.

Photo: iStock.
Photo: iStock.

The red and processed meats and excess alcoholic beverages They have been linked to increased chances of colon cancer, although diet is not the only factor that favors the disease. To study this matter further, a team of researchers from CIBEROBN -dependent of the Carlos III Health Institute, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities-, in collaboration with other teams of scientists from the Predimed study, have analyzed how fulfilling the recommendations of the WCRF / AICR 2018 and Low Risk Lifestyle indices, proposed by Harvard University, on the risk of colorectal tumor.

The seven recommendations of the WCRF / AICR 2018 to prevent cancer are: maintain a healthy weight, be physically active, follow a diet rich in whole foods, vegetables, fruits and legumes, limit consumption of fast food and other processed foods rich in fats and sugars, do the same with the consumption of red and processed meats, idem with the intake of sugary drinks and also reduce alcohol intake.

The second index, Harvard University (also proposed in 2018), it is a tool to measure compliance with five healthy lifestyle factors: No Smoking, not ingest alcohol, do regular physical activity, maintain an adequate body mass index and follow a healthy diet.

After analyzing data from 7,216 participants aged 55 to 80 years who were studied for 6 years, the authors of the last published report found that the individuals who best complied with the specific recommendations for cancer prevention (follow-up of at least 5 recommendations out of 7). considered) presented a 48% less risk of developing colorectal cancer compared to those with less adherence.

The data speaks

On the other hand, of all the cancer prevention recommendations, the one that showed the greatest association with the risk of colorectal cancer was the consumption of sugary drinks. Thus, it was observed that those participants with a higher consumption of these drinks (more than 250 ml / day, equivalent to more than a glass a day) showed a 58% higher risk of colorectal cancer compared to those who did not consume them, reports the CIBEROBN.

Photo: Unsplash / @ vlisidis.
Photo: Unsplash / @ vlisidis.

Regarding the Low Risk Lifestyle Index, the researchers found that greater adherence to a healthy lifestyle (meet more than three of the five recommendations) is associated with a 52% lower risk of having a colorectal neoplasm.

Once again, science offers conclusive data about the Direct relation that exists between lifestyle and some malignancies.

The Spanish Digestive System Foundation recommends to protect yourself against colorectal cancer:

  • Eat slow
  • Choose foods for each season
  • Healthy eating consists of eat everything without excess and spread throughout the day
  • Lunch and dinner must include food from all nutritional groups: vegetables, carbohydrates (cereals, legumes, potatoes) and proteins (meat, fish or eggs)
  • To choose simple preparations to cook food: griddle, boiled, steamed, roasted and accompanied by vegetables (zucchini, onion, carrot)
  • Eat several pieces of fruit a day
  • Limit alcohol consumption to one or two glasses of wine, beer or cider a day