This will happen with the young people who gave away soap popsicles, if the Police find their whereabouts


Influencers who gave a palette of soap to homeless.  Photo: private file
Influencers who gave a palette of soap to homeless. Photo: private file

Last Wednesday, a video was released in which an influencer recorded how he gives several inhabitants of the city of Cartagena popsicles of soap. Said inhabitants were elderly people and street dwellers.

Given this, The Attorney General’s Office announced that it will open an investigation against the young people behind this “joke.”

“In relation to events reported on social networks about influencers who have deceived the elderly in Cartagena with soap lollipops, # Prosecutor’s Office opened an investigation, through the Immediate Reaction Unit, and carries out urgent actions to identify those involved”, said the accusatory body.

Later, the Cartagena Police published a statement in which they announced that they are advancing the identification of those responsible.

The entity affirms that, with evidence in the video on social networks, “Police officers from the Cartagena de Indias Metropolitan Police advance in the identification of two men and a woman, who are allegedly linked to crimes that affect public health and safety, by supplying food with toxic elements.”

Jay Tomy is one of the influencers who starred in the painful event in the capital of the department of Bolívar. This character in social networks closed all his accounts and defended his actions. “At no time did they let people eat the whole pallet and they helped with money those who saw that they needed it most”, claimed after the scandal.

What is certain is that these two men and a woman tried to harm people who were unaware of the facts. According to the analysis of the Police, the protagonists offer contaminated food to people who walk the streets. In good faith, these people are misled into accepting the inedible popsicle. It was all of course “Ice cream brand launch”.

Afterwards, they mock the reaction of people who reject the food, while coughing because of the soap content of the food.

According to the authorities, this would be a direct attack on public health in the District. Upon finding them, finding their whereabouts and arresting those responsible, the actions will be analyzed to determine if they will result in penalties or fines for the influencers.

However, in conversation with Blu Radio, the commander of the Cartagena Police, General Henry Sanabria, confirmed that they have already opened an investigation and it is expected to impose exemplary subpoenas in these cases.

This is not the first time that influencer Jay Tomy has wreaked havoc in Cartagena. In 2019, the personality on social networks, in the company of his friends, pretended that an alleged street dweller who slept on a platform was dead and were fined 883,000 pesos.

This young man has been known on the Coast for making practical jokes that include older adults. That same year the youths disguised themselves as policemen and arrested an older adult. In that situation, the ‘youtubers’ requisition a bag that the victim of the joke was carrying. There, they supposedly find white powder, which is “positive for coca base,” according to them.

At the time, El Universal reported that these pranksters can be charged with illegally carrying uniforms and insignia, simulation of investiture, usurpation of public functions and panic.


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