This was the covid-parranda that unleashed a brutal beating of a woman in Barranquilla


After the complaint released by Zona Cero about the brutal attack suffered by pediatrician Dalila Peñaranda Fairuth and her domestic worker, the video of the ‘Covid-party’ was released, in the apartment of Martín Parra and Fanny Franco, in the building La Ría, located in the Villa Santos neighborhood, in the north of Barranquilla.

The rumba last Friday was in style. Singers, mariachis, more than 30 people in a private event, ‘rain’ of liquor and violation of the measures for the health emergency in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Well, this type of rumbas is supposed to be forbidden, but those present passed through the law and in fact, all were without masks as if the virus did not exist.

The video of the rumba occurred before the brutal beating that pediatrician Dalila Peñaranda Fairuth and her domestic worker received, because the specialist asked that the volume of the ‘Covid-party’ be lowered, where debauchery reigned.

We recommend: Brutal beating of a pediatrician woman for demanding that a neighbor lower the volume of a ‘covid-parranda’

Present at the party were, among others, Jalim Rebaje and Assad Baraque, the misfits who viciously attacked the specialist and her employee. They punched the face and even kicked them, without contemplation, as evidenced in the video of the attack.

The worst of the matter is that the policeman who intervened in the attack on the specialist and her employee, had already asked the rumberos to lower the volume, but that is not serious. What happens is that this uniformed man saw the agglomeration of more than 30 people and did nothing to stop the ‘Covid-party’, despite the fact that social events are prohibited in Barranquilla.

In addition, he did not call for reinforcements to capture the aggressors of the pediatrician and the domestic worker, who suffered multiple bruises on their body and faces.

The specialist will be disabled for 15 days and has compromised vision in her left eye.

Is there no law for those of the ‘Covid-party’ and the aggressors of the two women?

The citizens expect severe sanctions for the rumberos and the atabanes who attacked the pediatrician and her employee of the service.

The pediatrician filed a formal complaint against Martín Parra, Fanny Franco, Jalim Rebaje and Assad Baraque.
