This is the protocol recommended by Minsalud for going back to school


The model of academic alternation received an accolade this Wednesday from the Ministry of Health, which delivered to the Sixth Commission of the Chamber the protocol for returning to class.

“We have maintained as an essential strategy the distancing of children and adolescents as a fundamental factor to be able to contain the epidemic, but according to the scientific and technical literature this has impacts that must be taken into account to be able to measure and make decisions regarding what the need to return to school implies ”, express.

Among these impacts, the head of the portfolio mentioned sedentary lifestyle, alteration of sleep routines and habits, impairment of cognitive development and decrease in coverage of comprehensive assessment in health and vaccination, are the main negative impacts on boys, girls and boys. adolescents, product of confinement.

He also spoke about mental health and its disorders as anxiety, depression, domestic violence. Likewise, the lack of routine contact with educational and health care structures has impaired the early detection and approach of violence against children and adolescents.

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– In addition, he reiterated that physical distancing hinders ties and social contact. “According to national surveys, 88% of children and adolescents present signs related to mental health in behavior, “he said.

– Highlighting that the available scientific evidence indicates with reference to covid-19 that exists in children and adolescents less frequency of infection, less intensity In the presentation of symptoms and a transmission similar to that of adults, the Ministry reiterated that the best possible strategy is alternation, for which it emphasized the following guidelines between the return protocol:

– The formation of a committee to lead the implementation of health in education with the participation of national and international experts, to learn from the experiences developed in other countries.

– In addition, the definition of a plan for the intervention of a protocol. Assess the impact on the territory and the conditions of educational institutions, according to the risks that may occur in areas with low or high impact.

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– Socialize the measures to the educational community in which there may be positions and prejudices that must be discussed based on the evidence in order to generate the opening process, considering the different implications that it would have for both students and teachers.

– Assistance only for those who do not present symptoms, use of the mask, establishment of times for hand washing, do not share food, keep the mask in a paper bag while eating, avoid touching the face, nose or avoid rubbing your eyes, Physical distance of at least 2 meters with other people, the use of gloves is not recommended except for cleaning people, are some of the main parameters.

– Regarding locative measures, the supply of drinking water for consumption, the cleaning and disinfection of tanks and the entire educational infrastructure, provision of supplies for hygiene, cleaning and disinfection, ventilation, signage and distance between desks and dining rooms to have less contagion.

– Stagger entry and exit times of people and vehicles to avoid the loss of physical distance that leads to crowds and an increase in the contagion rate.

– Taking temperature with sheets for the registration and control of all the people who come to the institution.

It also specified that the institutions that serve minors among the 2 and 5 years old must verify that all children comply with the vaccination schedule.
