“This is the end of my history as a Junior coach”: Comesaña


Threw the towel. Julio Avelino Comesaña assures, words more, words less, that he is already good as a shark team coach, where he was for nine different cycles.

“This is the end of my history as a Junior coach. It’s over. May others continue to improve ”, Comesaña told EL HERALDO, emphasizing that it is the culmination of his saga as rojiblanco helmsman, but not in a different position or as a coach for another club.

Better said: Comesaña clarifies that he will not retire from football as Antonio Char, president of Junior, interpreted after the meeting with the 72-year-old coach, last Monday, when he announced to the top manager that he was leaving the institution.

“I think I did not say that I am retiring. I have said that I am closing my stage as Junior’s coach because I think Junior and I need other options ”, admitted Julio Avelino.

It was an idea that he had been contemplating since the beginning of the year and that he planned to crystallize at the end of 2020, but for some reason that he does not explain directly and clearly, he decided to unexpectedly anticipate it.

“Well, there we enter another terrain,” he said, elusive to delve into specific reasons.

“I am in a wonderful stage of my life, in good health, and there are challenges that can excite me, keep me on my guard and make me dream of something that is out of the ordinary. The other is the same repetition, the same difficulties and stagnation. You don’t realize it and time is wasting energy in vain ”, Comesaña commented.

“When I have gone to other places I have been looking for something different and I think Junior also needs a shake up,” he added.

What Comesaña did make totally clear is that he is not leaving the club due to the unfortunate statements of Teófilo Gutiérrez or due to an alleged directive imposition of Michael Rangel (Luis Amaranto Perea told in an interview with EL HERALDO that Comesaña was already contemplating using it).

“I don’t know why they associate that with my decision. I am not leaving a club for a player. No, not at all, ”he said about the relationship that his resignation made with the Teo case.

And I don’t know why they insist on Rangel. I simply anticipated for now what I was going to do in December, and that’s it, “said the DT about the speculation.

Comesaña wished his pupil Luis Amaranto Perea success, who succeeds him in the technical direction of the Sharks. “He knows the team and everything that is done and has been prepared. He has been in high-level football as a player. It is an important opportunity that at the end of the day is what is needed to show who you are ”, he concluded.
