This is how the night gyms will work in Bogotá that will have an instructor – Bogotá


The District Institute for Recreation and Sports (Idrd) launched the night gyms, which will be in 30 city parks.

The idea of ​​the entity is to promote healthy lifestyles, encourage physical activity and mental health. In addition, this initiative is intended to ensure that more citizens take ownership of the parks and they become safe spaces for the community.

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“With the enabling of night gyms we are bringing health to people through physical activity and sport, with our Healthy Active Communities program. The best of all is that users will be accompanied by instructors, they will practice in the open air and at no cost ”, assured Blanca Durán, director of IDRD.

What hours will it work?

The days in which the night gyms will be enabled with the accompaniment of physical activity instructors will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

There will be a capacity allowed per class hour of 20 people. Users will be able to enjoy functional training sessions, high intensity, muscle strengthening, circuit and tabata.

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Under what standards will they operate?

Before and after using the machines, carry out a cleaning and disinfection process.

During all physical activity, users must be at least four meters apart.

The use of face masks must be mandatory throughout the practice.

Each user is recommended to bring their own biosafety kit with antibacterial gel, towel, additional mask, alcohol and their respective hydration.
Before practicing, do a health check before using the night gym.

Attend with comfortable clothing appropriate for the activity.

Please arrive 10 minutes before the start of the activity to register.

Active points:

Night gyms

Part of the idea is to improve the safety of the parks.

Gyms points
Points 2

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