This is how the new update of Sisbén works


The Sisbén 4 it is used to target social spending towards the poorest and most vulnerable population, as was done to define the beneficiaries of the VAT Refund and Solidarity Income. Social programs use it to find households in need of health, education and housing subsidies, for example.

THE HERALD explains everything related to the modernization of Sisbén 4, whose update begins to take effect as of this Friday, March 5.

Who can enter the Sisbén?

  • All Colombians in the national territory
  • Citizens belonging to ethnic groups
  • Victims of the conflict
  • Foreigners with valid valid documents

Advantages of Sisbén

To classify the population the poverty of the departments will be taken into account, differentiating its rural and urban areas.

Will have a exact location, that will allow locating the surveyed households and constructing poverty maps.

It has technological innovation that allows you to go from paper to mobile devices.

Citizen information will be centralized. There will no longer be local databases, now it will be in charge of the National Planning Department —DNP—.

With the Sisbén 4, any news presented in the information of a citizen will be updated in a time of 6 days from the moment it is sent to the DNP. In the previous version, the update time was 30 days.

What will happen to my score?

In Sisbén 4 there will be four groups:

  • Group A; made up of the population with the least income-generating capacity.
  • Group B; composed of poor households but with a greater capacity to generate income than those of group A.
  • The group C; made up of a vulnerable population or at risk of falling into poverty.
  • Group D; made up of the non-poor population.
