This is how the curfew will work this Halloween holiday in Manizales


THE COUNTRY | Manizales

The mayor of Manizales, Carlos Mario Marín, reported this Monday how the curfew will work during this holiday weekend and with the celebration of Halloween.

Curfew for the entire city during the nights of Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holiday Monday: from 8:00 pm to 5:00 am

Curfew for minors Friday, Saturday, Sunday: from 12:00 noon to 5:00 am the next day. Holiday Monday: from noon to midnight.

The president indicated that this decision was made to restrict mobility and so that there are no public establishments in operation.

The supply of food, as well as restaurants, beverages and basic necessities, including for animals, will only be carried out by means of domicile or digital platforms until 11:00 pm and, in no case, will sales in person be allowed. The fuel supply will be provided only to persons exempted from the curfew.

He specified that this measure was consulted with unions, experts and members of the Government team. “We hope it helps us keep the virus under control over the weekend … there are one and two critical weekends left

we hope to surpass to reactivate the economy gradually, “said the mayor.

He added: “Holding out a little longer will help save the lives of many.”

The Secretary of Public Health of Manizales, Carlos Humberto Orozco, noted that in residential complexes, cases of contagion have increased, especially in buildings. Therefore, he called for responsibility so that there are no Halloween celebrations.

Diana Mejía Grand, Secretary of the Government, indicated that they will be making tours with the authorities to avoid clandestine parties.

They are exempt from the curfew
1. Those who are duly accredited as members of the Public Force, Public Ministry, Civil Defense, Red Cross, Ombudsman’s Office, Official Fire Department, relief agencies, GARA, INPEC, Office of the Attorney General of the Nation, guarantees control judges , Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Caldas.
2. Private security personnel.
3. Medical emergency vehicles and those destined to the home care of patients, as long as they have full identification of the institution providing services to which they belong.
4. Doctors, health sector personnel and means of transport in which they are mobilized.
5. Means of transport in which people are mobilized for priority or emergency assistance to health centers, services and establishments.
6. Health personnel, ambulances, vehicles for pre-hospital care and home medicine distribution.
7. Distributors of communication media and journalists, duly accredited.
8. Public servants and staff, whose functions or activities are related to the preservation of public order, emergency and relief agencies of the national, departmental or municipal order and any person who requires attention from a health service as a priority.
9. Operational and administrative personnel of the Transport Terminal, Aerial Cable, drivers and travelers who have scheduled inter-municipal trips during the curfew period or at hours approximated to it, duly accredited.
10. Vehicles and personnel of the public cleaning service, aqueduct and sewerage companies, CHEC, EFIGAS and telecommunications of the Municipality.
11. Vehicles and personnel to transport cargo, food and perishable goods; cleaning and food items in general that are intended to supply commercial establishments and other production chains.
12. Operational and administrative personnel of companies and industry that provide their services in night work shifts during the curfew period or in hours approximated to it, duly accredited.
13. Drivers of special transport vehicles for the transfer of company workers.
14. Drivers of collective public service for the purpose of traveling to their homes during the curfew hours after and prior to the provision of the service.
15. Drivers of individual public passenger transport vehicles, in accordance with the schedule that the Ministry of Transit and Transportation carries out. This service must be oriented only to transport to transport terminals, clinics, hospitals and companies with night work shifts.
16. People and vehicles intended for funeral services exclusively during the time the service is provided.
17. One person per family nucleus may take out when necessary, in their immediate surroundings, their pets or companion animals for a period not exceeding 20 minutes.
18. People who provide their services to companies or technology platforms
dedicated to home delivery of restaurant food, beverages, pharmaceutical and medical products, as well as essential goods including for animals, through duly identified means of transport.
19. The provision of essential hotel operation services and transportation of securities.
20. The essential social programs that require continuity of service in charge of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF).

For compliance with the provisions, the circulation of people who perform or are essential to provide the aforementioned services, as well as the circulation of individual public transport, will be allowed, according to the schedule defined by the Ministry of Transit and Transportation of Manizales
