This is how the 2,229 new cases of COVID are distributed in Antioquia

[ad_1] . For this October 23, the report delivered by the Ministry of Health indicates that Antioquia has 2,229 new cases of COVID-19, all previously identified, placed in isolation and under the corresponding epidemiological surveillance. With these new cases, the number of infected people in Antioquia rises to 151,420. Of these, 75,380 are women and 76,040 are men. The percentage of occupancy of ICU beds of 81.27%.

Medellín, October 23, 2020 * With 2,229 new cases registered, today the number of people infected by COVID-19 in Antioquia rises to 151,420 * * _- Today’s report registers 2,229 new cases in the department. Of them in Medellín there are (1,196), Bello (199), Envigado (149), Itagüí (136), Rionegro (63), Sabaneta (62), Armenia (49), Copacabana (38), Caldas (36), La Estrella (33), Girardota (31), Marinilla (20), Santa Rosa de Osos (17), Guarne (16), Barbosa (15), Apartadó (11), Yarumal (10), Donmatías (8), Carepa ( 8), Turbo (8), Puerto Berrío (7), Carmen de Viboral (7), Tarazá (7), La Ceja (7), San Andrés de Cuerquia (6), Dabeiba (6), Yondó (5), Ciudad Bolívar (5), Urrao (5), Yolombó (5), Santa fe de Antioquia (5), Chigorodó (3), Maceo (3), Zaragoza (3), El Retiro (2), La Unión (2) , San Pedro de los Milagros (2), Cañasgordas (2), El Bagre (2), Caucasia (2), Venice (2), Hispania (2), Uramita (2), Santa Bárbara (2), Remedios (2 ), Necoclí (2), Segovia (2), Amagá (2), San Pedro de Urabá (1), San Luis (1), Guadalupe (1), Valdivia (1), Giraldo (1), El Santuario (1 ), Andes (1), Cocorná (1), Puerto Triunfo (1), Entrerríos (1), San Rafael (1), Cáceres (1), Ituango (1), Abejorral (1), Liborina (1), Sopetr an (1), Sabanalarga (1), Fredonia (1), Betania (1), Arboletes (1), Titiribí (1) and San Carlos (1).

Today 23 deaths are reported. In Medellín there are (14) of them. Apartadó (1), Bello (1), Carepa (1), Envigado (1), Girardota (1), Itagüí (2), Sabaneta (1) and Santa Bárbara (1). Thus, the total number of deaths from COVID-19 in Antioquia amounts to 2,963.

The report indicates that, to date, there are 4,386 active cases in the department and the number of people recovered is 143,784.

Of the assets, in Medellín there are 2,401 cases and the remaining 1,985 are distributed as follows in the following municipalities: Bello (391), Envigado (315), Itagüí (273), Rionegro (139), Sabaneta (119), Caldas (64) , Copacabana (60), La Estrella (57), Armenia (49), Girardota (49), Marinilla (33), Guarne (30), Barbosa (27), Santa Rosa de Osos (25), Apartadó (22), Yarumal (18), Carmen de Viboral (18), La Ceja (17), Donmatías (15), Yolombó (14), San Pedro de los Milagros (14), El Retiro (13), Puerto Berrío (12), Carepa (12), Tarazá (11), Turbo (10), Yondó (9), El Santuario (7), Segovia (7), Urrao (6), San Andrés de Cuerquia (6), Dabeiba (6), Santa fe from Antioquia (6), Caucasia (6), Zaragoza (6), Briceño (5), Chigorodó (5), Ciudad Bolívar (5), Entrerríos (5), Uramita (4), Andes (4), Fredonia (4 ), Cañasgordas (4), Sopetrán (4), Giraldo (4), Montebello (4), Amagá (4), Abejorral (4), Remedios (3), San Luis (3), Amalfi (3), Santa Bárbara (3), Maceo (3), San Pedro de Urabá (3), La Unión (2), Buriticá (2) , Granada (2), Puerto Triunfo (2), San Jerónimo (2), El Bagre (2), Necoclí (2), Hispania (2), Vegachí (2), Venice (2), Titiribí (2), Sabanalarga (1), Cocorná (1), Guadalupe (1), Ituango (1), El Peñol (1), San Juan de Urabá (1), La Pintada (1), Concepción (1), Arboletes (1), San Carlos (1), Liborina (1), Cáceres (1), Salgar (1), San Rafael (1), San Roque (1), Valdivia (1), Angelópolis (1), Olaya (1), Betania (1 ), Anzá (1), Ebéjico (1), Concordia (1) and Belmira (1).

Likewise, it points out that there are (698) hospitalized patients: (376) in the Intensive Care Unit, ICU, and (322) in general hospitalization. Regarding patients from other departments who are hospitalized, there are (7) people. De Chocó (1) in general hospitalization and (1) in ICU, Córdoba (1) in ICU, Santander (1) in ICU, Sucre (1) in ICU, Bolívar (1) in ICU and Risaralda (1) in ICU.

Regarding ICU beds, the department has 945 for COVID patients. Of them, 768 are occupied as follows: 380 occupied with COVID patients, 148 suspected of COVID and 240 non-COVID. In other words, the occupancy of ICU beds in the department is 81.27%.
