Things to keep in mind when going out to exercise during the pandemic


Distances and special schedules are some of the measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

With approval and responsibility, this is how the people of Cali abided by the ordinance in which it is stated that, under strict sanitary protocols, you can go out into the streets to exercise.

But there are several aspects to take into account before going out on the streets of Santiago de Cali, and Colombia in general, to carry out physical activity.

-The first thing is that you can only go out to exercise from 6:00 a.m. m. at 7:00 a.m. m., that is, one hour.

-The use of face masks is still mandatory.

-People under the age of 18 and over 60 cannot benefit from this measure.

-You cannot go more than a kilometer away from your place of residence.

-You cannot go out as a couple, since a minimum distance of 5 meters between people must be respected.

-You should try to bring your own hydration elements, this to avoid the spread of the virus.

Carlos Alberto Diago, Secretary of Recreation and Sport of Cali, pointed out that these measures are vital, since they were created “with the aim of caring for and protecting the lives of all people from Cali.”

Personnel from the aforementioned agency will be present in parks in Cali to ensure compliance with these measures.

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