They would spend 5,000 million pesos in a monument to peace with M-19


What caught the attention of the city councilors, according to CM &, was that Károl Fajardo, director of the District Tourism Institute, requested 5,000 million pesos of this money for the construction of a monument, which would be located in front of the Historical Memory Center (26th street), in order to commemorate the peace agreement with the M-19.

The doubt that the councilors raised, in the middle of the discussion, It was in what way a construction of this type was going to contribute to the economic reactivation of the city, which was what the Bogotá Mayor’s Office, led by Claudia López, was proposing, the media added.

Vladimir Rodríguez, high advisor for the District Victims Secretariat, and who is the spokesperson in charge on this issue, was going to explain on Blu Radio the reasons for the construction of the monument to peace with the M-19; however, minutes before the interview, she decided to cancel it.

The material for the elaboration of the work of art, according to the station, It comes from the smelting of the weapons that the extinct guerrilla group delivered 30 years ago, and its objective is, according to the Mayor’s Office official, to pay tribute to the victims of the conflict.

“5,000 million pesos is not just any monument, it is a building. In other words, this amount provides for a whole transformation in the architectural morphology of any city in the world. This is not a statue or a taste, we are talking about such a transformation to the symbols of the city, “said one of the panelists in the middle.
