They will strengthen biosafety protocols in Corabastos


According to Claudia López, the plant should operate similarly to Transmilenio, that is, to 35% to mitigate the risks of possible outbreaks of the disease.

May 12, 2020 1:19 PMBy:

In the framework of the emergency caused by covid-19, the Mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, announced that, as part of the measures implemented by the orange alert in Kennedy, it was agreed, in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Cundinamarca Government and the Mayor’s Office, reinforce biosecurity protocols in Corabastos.

See also: Despite orange alert, in Kennedy people took to the streets

According to Claudia López, the plant must operate similarly to Transmilenio, that is, to 35% to mitigate the risks of possible outbreaks of the disease.

The president also added that They are already working on the implementation of an operation model with better biosecurity conditions for users and residents of Corabastos.

It may interest you: There are already more than 10 people infected with coronaviruses in Corabastos

“We will ensure that adequate food supplies are maintained in the city, but at the same time mitigate contagion in the area,” Claudia López said through her Twitter account.

For his part, the Secretary of Health of Bogotá, Alejandro Gómez, pointed out that, “Corabastos is one of these places where there is greater circulation of the virus, and where there is a greater risk of contagion. So far, measures have been taken, but they have been insufficient. We cannot allow Corabastos to constitute a risk to the health of Bogotá. ”

The official explained that they are working for “decrease the influx of people to the plant, so that controls are made on vehicles entering and leaving, so that all people there have access to health services at no cost, so that two very special groups of populations, called the coteros, who are the ones who carry packages, and the foxhounds, who are the ones who work with the wheelbarrows, also have their health services guaranteed and do not constitute a risk as until now”.

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