They will sanction organizers of caravans and parties this weekend


October 29, 2020 – 11:50 pm

Newsroom of El País

During this weekend, in which Halloween will be celebrated, the Mayor’s Office of Cali announced harsh sanctions against the organizers of caravans, parties and other types of events that involve massive crowds.

This was reported by Carlos Rojas, Municipal Security Secretary, who recalled that caravans are prohibited in the city, as well as all events of more than 50 people. This last measure is a provision that the National Government took to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

“After all the pedagogical dimension that we did in the city, we need to move to a stronger scenario with those who do not want to attend the call of the authorities to maintain the preventive isolation declared by the National Government, which will be in force until the next 30 November, ”said Rojas.

Also read: Cali rules out curfew for Halloween, but prohibits “hand-to-hand candy delivery”

As explained by the official, the operations will focus on the attention of the caravans since the Mayor’s Office has received information from the citizens about several parades of this type that are called for the weekend.

“There is going to be a scheme of traffic officers who will be located in more or less eight key points in Cali, but we are not going to say what they are because we know that there are people who want to make some kind of sprain to the operatives,” said the Municipal Security Secretary.

Some of these checkpoints will be mobile, while others will have the support of the Cali Metropolitan Police.

The sanctions

According to article 181 of the Police Code, the fine for the organizers of parties, caravans and other events that congregate up to 300 people will be between 100 and 150 Current Minimum Legal Monthly Wages (SMLMV), that is, between $ 90 million and $ 130 millions.

When the capacity is between 301 and 600 people, the penalty will range between 151 and 250 SMLMV, that is, between $ 130 million and $ 220 million.

If the event brings together between 601 and 5000 people, the fine will cost approximately between 251 and 350 SMLMV, that is, between $ 220 million and $ 306 million.

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Finally, if the event exceeds 5000 people, its organizers will be exposed to a fine of between 500 800 SMLMV, that is, between $ 440 and $ 700 million.

“Additionally, to the person who violates a sanitary measure, such as organizing events of more than 50 people, we will make it available to the Prosecutor’s Office so that a sanction of between 4 and 8 years in prison can be applied by means of the Article 368 of the Penal Code, ”said the Municipal Security Secretary.

The official said that although the limit of mass events in the country is 50 people, it is advisable that they are not done in order to avoid possible infections of coronavirus.

“And if citizens decide to do them, it is recommended that they carry them out with all the biosafety protocols, such as forcing attendees to wear face masks and comply with social distancing, which must be at least 1.50 meters. If the event does not comply with the sanitary regulations, the sanction will also be applied to the organizer, ”remarked Carlos Rojas.

Call to parents

The authorities are also calling on parents not to allow their children to go out trick-or-treating on the streets, public places or shopping centers during the Halloween celebration. This in order to avoid agglomerations that could promote the spread of the coronavirus.

Health experts assure that the exchange of bags, sweets, costumes, masks, makeup, etc., can influence the spread of the covid, since they are objects that on their surface can harbor the virus.

In this sense, the recommendation is that Halloween is celebrated in the home and only with those who live together.

“We are aware that our child population has been affected by this pandemic and that Halloween is a special day to have fun, but current circumstances make the celebration different, that we stay at home and that we do not expose ourselves. There are several options to enjoy this day at home through virtuality, ”said Miyerlandi Torres, Cali Health Secretary.
