they still have COVID-19; already left the hospital


The famous one, who has participated in productions such as ‘Operación pacífico’ and ‘Loquito por ti’, posted a video on his Instagram account to tell his followers how his health has evolved; this, after she was hospitalized for complications with the virus.

(See also: Actor of ‘Pedro, el flamoso’ reacted to a tight photo of when he gave aerobics classes)

Luly Bossa’s health status

As the actress reported in the recording, she returned home on March 22nd and is “taking one step at a time”, because he is still receiving oxygen therapy and has had “very difficult nights”.

After facing hospitalization, the artist took the opportunity to thank her followers for having sent her so many messages, for having prayed for her, because did not expect to have such nice reactions.

How is Angelo, son of Luly Bossa?

The famous did not miss the opportunity to clarify that his heir “is fine” and that she was the one who had the most serious reaction to COVID-19.

So much has the coronavirus affected the body of Luly that “it is difficult for him to speak”, and that was more than clear with the pauses he took and the cough he presented when communicating with his followers.

“This pod does not respect the athlete, it respects absolutely nothing,” concluded the artist, who drew tears with a video of her dancing with her son.

(See also: RCN News announces the reappearance of Felipe Arias, after going through an ICU)

Here, the publication that the Colombian actress spread on her Instagram account:
