They reiterate call for celebrations with measure for cases of covid-19


December 25, 2020 – 11:55 pm

Newsroom of El País

Cali, Valle del Cauca as well as most of the country’s cities are going through the second peak of the Covid-19 pandemic in these last weeks of the year.

And it is that in recent days, the country again broke a record with the number of infected. This Wednesday it reported 14,233 new infected patients, on Thursday it registered 14,940 and on Friday, 14,941, the highest number per day to date. The panorama is not different in the Valley and its capital.

In fact, the Secretary of Health of Cali, Miyerlandi Torres, indicated that “the epidemiological panorama of the city is worrying, we had 1055 cases reported on Wednesday, and on Thursday, 741 new cases; the rt (transmission speed) will surely be affected by this result, and it will be reflected in the next week. In ICU we are 77% occupied by the exclusive ones for covid, of the total ICU beds we continue in 90% “, said the official, who also commented that this Friday, 13 people were in line waiting to be placed in beds,” which have been difficult to assign ”.

Regarding the number of deaths, he said that it remains stable, “but we know that we increase the cases, one or two weeks later the ICUs increase, and a week later, the deceased”.

Also read: We cannot adopt the curfew proposed by Minsalud: Mayor of Cali

In addition, Torres asserted: “Social indiscipline, everything we saw in these days of shopping and events, everything can increase this situation. What we want from the provision of services is to provide good care and avoid fatality, “he said.

For this reason, the head of the portfolio recommended to the people of Cali to continue maintaining biosecurity measures, “please avoid meetings, parties, crowds; do not go to places where there are crowds to buy; shopping is not essential, and preserving life is ”.

In this sense, the Secretary of Departmental Health, María Cristina Lesmes, also reiterated the call not to lower our guard.

“I would like to ask you to join us for a quiet December, at home, celebrating the lives of those of us who are in good health in our families; to protect ourselves, not to attend flashy places where they are inviting us but that generate clusters and the possibility of getting sick, so that you and your families reach the year 2021 healthy (…) the end of the covid is closer than we had expected ”.

Meanwhile, the epidemiologist Lyda Osorio, commented that at this time of year in a context of high mobility and contact between people “there are conditions to become infected. It is necessary to continue the actions in the territories and avoid the super-dispersive events where many people are infected simultaneously. These events tend to occur in poorly ventilated places, where distance is not kept and people generate more drops such as speaking loudly or singing. We must assume at all times that we can be with someone infected.

Likewise, he recalled that older adults “have a disproportionately high risk of complicating and dying and other younger people with comorbidities. Children can also suffer complications and it is not yet known what makes some people complicated and others not. Avoiding places where transmission is facilitated saves lives, ”he assured.

It may interest you: They will reinforce controls in the center of Cali: more than 10 thousand people circulate daily

The epidemiologist from Universidad el Valle concluded: “‘I take care of myself because I take care of you’ invites us to act thinking of those we love and through them to other people we do not know.”

The same call is made by the governor of the Valley, Clara Luz Roldán: “We cannot forget that the virus is still among us and that it will continue for a while, that is why I want to ask the people of Valle del Cauca not to lower our guard, we must continue with the measures of self-care, to understand that, if I take care of myself, I take care of my family, I take care of my parents ”.

The Departmental Health Secretariat created a solidarity bag of medicines to be able to supply between clinics the deficit of anesthetics and relaxants, priority for covid care.
