They killed a man and his son, a baby barely a year old


A man identified as Anderson Javier Balanta, 38 years old, and his little son Javier, a baby only one year old, they were murdered during an armed attack in the village of La Carbonera, rural area of ​​Bolívar, south of the Cauca

The crime occurred when they were moving along the highway that communicates with the Guayabillas village. There, according to witnesses, they were intercepted by men who shot them indiscriminately.

The Departmental Table for Victims rejected the incident and asked the “National Government to get on the job” and “to lower its gaze towards the department,” as well as the departmental government.

“Must take more concrete action with everything that has been happening with threats in the territories and what has just happened is an example of this, ”said Rosy Pérez, leader of the Cauca Victims’ Table.

The authorities assured that they are already on the trail of those responsible for the double homicide

“On the site there are members of the judicial police to do the whole journey and collection of elements that allow establishing the motives and the causes that led to this unfortunate event”Said Luis Cornelio Angulo, Secretary of Government of Cauca.

The child’s mother was seriously injured in the attack and was taken to a health center in Popayán, where she remains under medical observation.
