They investigate the death of a woman after undergoing cosmetic surgery in Neiva • La Nación


Hours after having undergone an aesthetic intervention at the Coven Clinic in Neiva, a 34-year-old woman from Pitalito died of a cardiorespiratory arrest in the same healthcare center. The outpatient procedure involved only a few ‘touch-ups’ according to the family of the fatal victim, who reported that excess anesthesia in the surgery would have triggered the fatal event.

Lucia Sanchez


34-year-old Diana Zulay Caballero Ruales was an excellent woman, mother, and wife. This is how her family describes the pharmacist by profession, a native of Spain, but a resident of Pitalito, who lost her life after undergoing outpatient cosmetic surgery last Saturday with the renowned plastic surgeon Juan Canencio at the Coven clinic in Neiva.

The woman, who died from a cardiorespiratory arrest hours after the operation, according to her husband John Fredy Lara Grisales, was operated on for some ‘touch-ups’ after having undergone general cosmetic surgery two years ago, with the same doctor. However, she assures that this time she was given excessive anesthesia, which would have led to her death.

LA NACIÓN spoke with the husband of the fatal victim, who narrated how the events happened. “On Saturday we arrived at the clinic at 8:00 am and a nurse received my wife and prepared her for the surgery that was scheduled at 9 in the morning. In an hour and a half the procedure had finished, we were psyched that at 4 in the afternoon I could take her, because the doctor had told us that it was an outpatient intervention, “he said.

The businessman from Laboy also related that around noon he spoke with Dr. Canencio who told him “that there had been no complications, that everything had turned out perfectly because it was not an aggressive operation. He also told me to go up to see her. When I saw her, I explained that she was trying to lift her head, but she couldn’t, she didn’t know anyone, I assumed it was normal because of the anesthesia ”.

At that moment, Lara Grisales says that she began to have mistrust and decided to speak with the nurse who told her that from 3 to 4 in the afternoon she could come to the clinic to take her wife.

However, he said that when he returned, he found the terrible news. “When I arrived at 3:30 in the afternoon, the doctor Canencio was nervous, disconcerted, he told me” it left us, it was a heart attack “, I replied that I did not understand what he was talking about and he told me that he had tried resuscitate her for about 50 minutes, “but she did not come back and we lost her,” she said nothing more. “

John Fredy Lara Grisales, assured that “an excess of anesthesia” ended the life of the mother of his two little daughters of 3 and 6 years of age, and her life partner for 12 years.

The only thing I can say is that the anesthesia they gave her was a lot and she never managed to wake up well. And it is that, before the surgery, the anesthesiologist, Jaime Cabrera arrived around 9 in the morning, delayed, nor did he weigh my wife because I heard that while they were preparing her he asked her how much she weighed, she told him that more or less 55 kilos because he did not know his exact weight … he only said “good”, he narrated.


THE NATION learned about the clinical history of Diana Zulay Caballero Ruales which details that the procedure that was performed on Saturday involved “correction of abdominal dystrophy with liposuction with combined first epidural anesthesia and then with general at the end for bichectomy.”

They investigate the death of a woman after undergoing cosmetic surgery in Neiva 10 December 14, 2020They investigate the death of a woman after undergoing cosmetic surgery in Neiva 11 December 14, 2020

Clinical history of Diana Zulay Caballero Ruales.

“It was to remove a little fat from one side of the abdomen, which had remained like a very small bag, also to remove a little fat from under the arms and the bichectomy on the face,” explained the young mother’s husband to the refer to the intervention as “something very normal”, taking into account that “two years ago they did the liposuction, the breast, various things, and that was a delicate intervention”.

At the same time, John Fredy assured that his wife had no underlying diseases because this was evidenced by the tests that she gave the doctor, prior to scheduling the surgery. This is specified in the medical history where it is detailed that the patient does not register complications and the conditions are good. After the procedure, it is also recommended to remain under observation for 6 hours, however, the surgery had fatal consequences.

“We attended the call of a postoperative patient for correction of lipodystrophy of the abdomen and back, and bichectomy who… presented in a post-surgical recovery room with sudden cardiorespiratory arrest with desaturation of consciousness, for which she was transferred to the ICU, cardiocerebral pulmonary resuscitation was performed for 45 minutes not responding to maneuvers and dies ”, details the clinical history.

Deadly discounts?

According to the husband of the fatal victim, the 34-year-old woman was encouraged to do some ‘touch-ups’ by being ‘seduced’ by a large discount in the cost of the intervention.

“In theory, she would get around $ 5,000,000 for touch-ups, but they told her that, with the discount, they were worth $ 3,300,000. They made him a very good discount for that operation to be done, “he said.

At the same time he rejected this type of discounts that he considers to be risky. “Surgeons are now doing ‘packages’ everywhere, discounts … we want to denounce so that this does not continue to happen, because, perhaps due to the desire to operate more people and do things quickly, this has consequences.”

Finally, John Fredy said that he will take legal action. “I ask the authorities to investigate this case, because it can happen to another mother and also leave her children orphans.”

Sofía Murcia, one of the lawyers from the Laboyana family who is in mourning today, assured that “the lawsuit would be against the clinic and the doctor. The wrongful death is already there, she died in the clinic as a result of a procedure.

“(Dr. Juan Canencio) was promoting promotions of procedures, I imagine that as a result of that, many women went to have surgery, and logically, the care for 2 or 3 is not the same as for 5 or more in a day, care is not equal ”, he asserted.

They investigate the death of a woman after undergoing cosmetic surgery in Neiva 12 December 14, 2020

This is how surgeon Juan Canencio promotes his discounts.

Meanwhile, regarding the case, the Secretary of Health of Huila, Cesar Alberto Polanía Silva, said that “these cases enter a process of review and investigation by the area of ​​habilitation and provision of services.”

Before this moving case, the most recent in the capital of Huila was registered in May of this year. Leidy Yohana Reyes, 34, underwent cosmetic surgery on the 15th of that month, at a clinic in Neiva. Five days later, after experiencing severe pain, he passed away. The procedure included breast reconstruction and removal of fat from the abdomen.

Juan Canencio pronounces

The plastic surgeon, Juan Canencio, who is in the eye of the hurricane after the unfortunate death of the young mother, issued a statement last night.
In it, he indicated that “it is allowed to clarify to the public opinion that the death of the patient Caballero Ruales, which occurred on December 12, 2020 at the Coven Clinic facilities, occurs after a plastic surgery procedure that was practiced, for which, following the protocol that accompanies these events, the facts immediately occur and they were brought to the attention of the competent authorities, so that they are the ones who carry out the pertinent investigations and ultimately give clarity in the present case ”.

It adds that “the information related to the case is currently legally reserved, we ask both the relatives and the media to avoid giving statements or publishing
information that may not only ignore the aforementioned reservation, but even be contrary to the factual and legal reality related to the case in question, which clearly affects the normal development of the investigation “.

Finally it says that “it is necessary to indicate that the use of the name, or the image of Juan Canencio, or Juan Canencio Plastic Surgery is not authorized for any type of publication; its improper use will lead to the corresponding legal actions ”.


Lina Triana, president-elect of the international society aesthetic plastic surgery – ISAPS, makes a series of recommendations for LA NACIÓN to take into account when making the decision to undergo an intervention.

“Although we can never speak of a zero-risk surgical procedure, when we are thinking of undergoing cosmetic plastic surgery we can have some basic pillars to reduce that risk,” he explains.

According to the also president of the Colombian Association of Scientific Societies – ACSC, “the first pillar that we must take into account is who is going to do the procedure, it must be verified that that person has the knowledge and experience that they claim to have. . The second is where I will do the procedure, the place must have at least the authorization of the competent Ministry of Health to guarantee all safety standards. And, the third pillar is how I am, my health, which guarantees that I am suitable for surgery ”.

It complements, that, the fourth pillar, which surgeons must take into account “that sometimes we forget, for me the most important, is the surgical plan. It is the route of what I am going to do in this procedure, what supplies I am going to use, how long I am going to take, for example, how much fat I think I am going to remove, how much I think the patient may bleed, what areas of the body I go to touch, all of the above measures the risks of the patient to me ”.
