“They have to stop being a country of queers”: Bolsonaro


“Everything is now a pandemic, we have to end that. I’m sorry for the dead, I’m sorry. We are all going to die one day, here we are all going to die. There is no use running away from that, fleeing from reality. They have to stop being a country of queers. We have to face open-chested, fight, “said the far-right in the Planalto Palace, seat of the federal government, as can be seen in this trill:

The remarks were given during an official speech on tourism, in which he reiterated his disdain for the coronavirus pandemic, notes the German Deutsche Welle. “You went to the ground in that pandemic, which was oversized,” he told those present.

The COVID-19 pandemic has left more than 160,000 dead and 5.6 million contaminated in Brazil, where analysts and researchers have insisted that there is a high number of unreported cases, published the AFP agency.

This Tuesday, Bolsonaro had already drawn attention by commemorating as a personal victory the interruption in Brazil of the study phase of the CoronaVac vaccine, developed by the Chinese laboratory Sinovac.

“Death, disability, anomaly… this is the vaccine that (the governor of Sao Paulo Joao) Doria wanted to force the people of São Paulo to take. The president said the vaccine could never be mandatory. Another one that Jair Bolsonaro wins, “declared the president on Facebook.

Bolsonaro attached a link about the suspension of the vaccine in response to a netizen who asked if the government would buy and produce the vaccine in case the trials – currently in phase 3 – show that it is effective and safe.

The Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) announced on Monday that “Decided to discontinue the CoronaVac vaccine clinical trial after a serious incident” on October 29, although the institute responsible for the trials and the government of Sao Paulo, whose governor Joao Doria is Bolsonaro’s main political adversary, assure that the death has no relation to the vaccine.
