These are the thefts, for more than $ 3.5 billion, in which alias ‘Yiyo’ would have participated


Several thefts from residences, businesses and financial users, perpetrated since 2017 in Bucaramanga and the metropolitan area, attributed to the gang called ‘Los Chulos’, to which, according to the Police, the alias ‘Yiyo’ belongs, who would be a financier of the band and received a percentage of those stolen.

During the operations carried out by the Police and the Prosecutor’s Office, 14 raids were carried out and 11 people were captured.

According to the authorities, among the modus operandi, the criminals used firearms to intimidate and sometimes beat and gagged the victims. In the same way, through a suction cup they managed to enter homes and commercial establishments.


On May 31, 2017, in the Cabecera neighborhood of Bucaramanga, they allegedly committed a theft of $ 200 million from a Cabecera residence where they entered, intimidated the victim and gagged her.

In downtown Bucaramanga, on November 11, 2017, more than $ 216 million was stolen from the La Surtidora commercial establishment.

At the Hacaritama Airport in Aguachica, César, on January 31, 2018, members of the gang intercepted a plane transporting securities and seized $ 2000 million.

It is a Piper PA-34 Seneca plane that was hijacked when it landed in the municipality of Aguachica. The aircraft had taken off from the Palonegro de Bucaramanga airport.

The pilot, copilot and officials from a securities company who were guarding the money were mobilizing on the aircraft. As it was known, the aircraft was transporting $ 2 billion.

The robbery occurred when the aircraft landed at the Aguachica municipality airport and was allegedly perpetrated by four heavily armed men.

An official from the Aguachica airport claimed that the kidnappers carried an ELN flag. “The plane was at the head of the runway when it was intercepted by four armed men carrying an Eln guerrilla flag.

The authorities managed to recover $ 1.2 billion of the $ 2000 that had been stolen.

On July 3, 2018, at a service station in Girón, ‘Los Chulos’ would have stolen close to $ 500 million represented in cash and high-end cell phones.

On September 25 of last year, the criminals entered a residence in the Ciudad Bolívar neighborhood and took $ 203 million pesos in cash that was in a safe, after intimidating, beating and gagging the victim.

Freight is another of the crimes attributed to ‘Los Chulos’, such as the one that occurred on January 5, 2019 in the Caldas neighborhood, when they intercepted a couple who had just withdrawn $ 8 million from a bank.

Among the thefts from financial entities, they are pointed out as having stolen $ 100 million from a meat marketer in the Guarín sector, on August 7, 2018.

Finally, in the La Cumbre neighborhood, on July 9, 2018, they entered a residence and seized $ 70 million in cash and $ 150 million in jewelry.

Criminal structure

According to the authorities, the Common Organized Crime Group ‘Los Chulos’, would be led by aliases ‘Papichulo’ and ‘El Viejo’, already captured.

In the second line of command, as financiers, there would be aliases ‘Rolando’ and aliases ‘Yiyo’, the latter, a former candidate for Mayor of Bucaramanga, captured over the weekend.

They are followed by five bell ringers, in charge of alerting the presence of the authorities. All have already been captured.

Five men belonged to the line of gunmen, who had already been captured. Finally there are the so-called cogedores, in charge of seizing the money and stolen objects.

Alias’ Yiyo’o ‘Gigio’, according to the investigation, would be one of those responsible for supplying the financial arm of the organization and providing logistical means for the commission of crimes.

In the same way, it was confirmed that in previous years a large sum of money was consigned to him as a result of a theft committed in the north of the country.

The leaders were known in the criminal world as ‘Papi Chulo’ and ‘El Viejo’, within them there was the participation of a woman known as Evelia, who would be in charge of managing and coordinating the purchase of items and tickets. to materialize the facts.

‘Mosco’ was in charge of monitoring and alerting on the arrival of the authorities.

‘Mopri’ fulfilled functions of logistics, bell ringer and also participated in the entry of thefts.

‘Rolando’ was captured in Cartagena and his role consisted of financially supporting criminal activity.

Alias ​​”El Cerrajero” acted as a supplier of master keys to open and break locks.

Among those captured is a taxi driver, he was in charge of transporting them before and after the theft.

Those captured were made available for the crimes, conspiracy to commit a crime, qualified and aggravated theft, illegal possession of firearms, and illegal possession of firearms for the exclusive use of the military forces, simple kidnapping, kidnapping of ships and aircraft. .
