There are more than 180,000 companies that could start their reactivation from today


With a new order to gradually reactivate the economy, the Government announced that to the nine activities of the manufacturing industry and four of construction that were reactivated on April 27, 19 new subsectors are added, which are part of manufacturing and of trade.

In total, according to Confecámaras, there are 183,309 companies that are part of these sectors of the economy, and that make up the universe of companies that you could use, if you require it, as of today, as long as the local administration have given permission.

And although at the beginning the reactivation took place in sectors whose axis is not the sale to the final customer, today there are already around 152,000 companies, around the country, which could be found with the doors open.

For example, if in your pre-quarantine plans you were to acquire a car or a motorcycle, and you still have the capital, you will be able to do so, since this is one of the sectors that will begin to operate. Within this there are around 13,678 companies. Or if instead you need spare parts, auto parts, fuels, lubricants, among other automotive items, you can also buy them. In this group there are more than 27,000 companies of this type.

Faced with this, the Minister of Industry and Commerce, José Manuel Restrepo, stated that “we can, once the dealers have complied with biosafety protocols, acquire vehicles and motorcycles, however, furniture and fixtures cannot be purchased in normal stores, but through domiciles or through electronic commerce ”.

Although the reactivation of the furniture and household goods industry was allowed, the Government clarified that this can only be used through electronic channels.

Another business that you, as a consumer, will be able to use, or as an entrepreneur, will be able to open, is that of stationeries, bookstores or other related items. Good news for 21,464 companies that belong to this sector, and that will have the opportunity to satisfy the demand of their customers.

Pets, members who have become essential in families, may also have a greater offer to meet their needs, since today the trade in articles for these animals will be enabled, not only through electronic channels, but also in person, respecting the biosecurity measures, and protocols that the trade unions have developed. To this are added the laundries, which may start to open their doors but under the domicile modality.

On the industry side, five more subsectors will join the list of 14 that are already developing economic activity, these are: the manufacture of furniture and fixtures; the manufacture of motor vehicles; the manufacture of computer products; electronic and optical; the manufacture of machinery and equipment, and the maintenance of these.

Julián Domínguez, president of Confecámaras, pointed out that “the reactivation should be promoted with the aim of defending the jobs of millions of people, favoring the sustainability of the business sector.”

Reactivation will take place under the gradualness imposed by the territorial entities

Although the Government agreed that certain sectors of the economy would be reactivated, it made clear that the management of this will remain in the hands of territorial entities such as governments and mayors. Therefore, companies should continue to use platforms that have already been promoted in different cities, which give space for reactivation to be gradual, and to minimize negative effects on health. It should be noted that the Government has made it clear that this is a revival of the economy, but maintains restrictions in bars, clubs and billiards.
