The virtual love story of two young people would become an alleged case of abuse


Taken from Facebook
Taken from Facebook

Jair Lara Posada, a young man from the Angostura township, in San Zenón (Magdalena), and Maryuri Blanco Franco, a young woman from Cúcuta, began to talk on a social network until they created a love bond so strong that the couple decided to move in together and, later, take their love to the altar. Everything seemed to “run smoothly” until things began to change, to the point that the relationship became an experience full of uncertainty, fear, hopelessness and ended in an alleged case of assault.

After talking for a few months on a social network, the two lovers decided to go live together, Franco, despite having his whole family against that relationship, she would be the first to make the decision to move in with him, having visited him on a few occasions.

The young woman went alone, and without any support, to Magdalena, where her partner lived; There she married him, respecting the Christian ideologies that accompanied them. At the beginning, everything was going very well, in their social networks images were published where the couple full of joy and happiness for the decision made.

Taken from Facebook
Taken from Facebook

However, for Yainny, the girl’s sister, that man was not to be trusted. “Although it was inevitable that we were uneasy, we decided not to get into her things anymore and that she realized that she was making a mistake, because that man did not give us confidence,” Yainny told El Tiempo.

The months passed and the concern of the young woman’s family continued to grow, but they insisted on not getting into the relationship. So they settled for the intermittent communications they had with Franco. One day, during the month of October, the family decided to make a video call with her, a decision that would reveal the state of her health.

According to El Tiempo, Franco had bruises on his body, he looked very thin and with many dark circles. In addition, some conversations with the husband would reveal that Franco had anxiety attacks.

From one moment to the next, she would cry, despair and become aggressive, hitting herself and biting her lips, ”her husband told El Tiempo.

The bad news accumulated when the husband began to reveal Franco’s state of mind. She had to interrupt a trip with her partner to refer to a psychiatrist for her health. “We initially took her to a clinic and there they told us that her illness was psychiatric, so we referred her to a medical center that would treat this pathology,” he explained.

The medical visit was carried out in November, in Santa Marta, there were also Franco’s brothers, who, upon seeing their sister, proceeded to take her away from the city and return her to Cúcuta, but not before undertaking a criminal action against Jair Lara.

“He was unrecognizable, we had no doubt that something had been done to him; Maryuri is a happy and healthy woman ”, explained a relative of hers to El Tiempo.

The state of Maryuri
The state of Maryuri

The complaint affected Jair greatly. After the news went viral, people began threatening him, forcing him into hiding for fear of harm. However, the people of Angostura, and his family, support the young man, since no signs of physical or psychological aggression have been found by him towards his wife.

“Our main defense is the medical history, which shows that Maryuri has not been violated or abused. The case is already in the hands of a lawyer who will prove my brother’s innocence, ”said Jair’s sister, Saday.

The story remained an uncertainty until, this Tuesday, El Tiempo was able to access an interview that Mayuri Franco conducted in a Magdalena health center. In the interview, the 22-year-old says that her injuries are not self-inflicted, but that someone inflicted them on her. However, it does not say who could have done it.

Franco’s family claims that the husband tried to psychologically manipulate his wife to convince her that she had psychiatric problems. And he calls on the authorities to owe him the truth about the case.

For their part, Jair’s family spoke out about the new discovery saying that, “We have our evidence to defend Jair. All this material is in the hands of the lawyer and in due course they will meet to show that we gave my sister-in-law all the care ”.

They reiterate that Franco presented psychological problems since October 29, “” We began to notice anxious, a series of strange behaviors. She began to say that she saw things, that they were chasing her, that they attacked her. He cried a lot, he claimed that he had the smell of tobacco and in the house we are Christians, no one smokes, ”says Jaír in his version provided by El Tiempo. Furthermore, he insists that their relationship was exemplary and that he would never hurt his wife.

The case still does not have a testimony to conclude this story, but the only thing that is clear is that Mayuri expresses that she will never return to her husband again.
