The US reaches three thousand deaths in 24 hours from covid-19, a record number – US and Canada – International


The United States added more than 3,000 dead on Wednesday by covid-19 in 24 hours and more than 220,000 new infections, according to the Johns Hopkins University count.

After knowing the figure, the newspaper The New York Times He recalled that this is the highest number of deaths from the virus in that North American country, thus reaching a record. Comparatively, the day of this Wednesday caused more deaths than the attack on the Twin Towers in 2001: 2,977 people died during that attack.

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But what could explain these figures? US authorities expected an increase in cases and deaths after the displacement of millions of citizens for Thanksgiving two weeks ago, despite calls to stay home.

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Only in California (western), where entire regions were confined again earlier in the week, More than 30,000 cases of coronavirus were registered this Wednesday, a daily record for a state, according to the Covid Tracking Project.

On the other hand, another reason has to do with the number of patients hospitalized for covid-19. This figure also continues to break records, with 106,000 people this Wednesday.

For two weeks, the United States has regularly exceeded the barrier of 2,000 daily deaths, as happened in the boreal spring, at the highest peak of the first wave of the epidemic.

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In the face of this impressive rebound, Americans remain hopeful of the imminent distribution of a vaccine.

Pfizer vaccine

The Pfizer vaccine may be licensed in the United States in the next few days.

Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Data Will Be Examined Thursday by independent American experts and could be licensed in the coming days, while the Moderna vaccine will be reviewed next week.

More than 5 million people contracted COVID-19 in the United States and almost 290,000 died from the disease, leaving the North American country at the forefront in world statistics.

Hope in a vaccine

United States impatiently awaits the possible approval this Thursday of a vaccine for covid-19, which, if it would begin to be distributed 48 hours laterWhile the situation is dire in several states, such as California, which are running out of beds in Intensive Care Units (ICU).

Attention will be placed in the next few hours at a meeting that will be held this Thursday by a group of experts from the Food and Drug Agency (FDA, in its acronym in English) to evaluate if it authorizes the drug’s coronavirus vaccine Pfizer and its partner BioNTech.

This group of experts, called the Advisory Committee for Biological Products of the
FDA will have to determine if Pfizer’s vaccine receives emergency approval for distribution, and just a week later, on December 17, it will have to decide the same about the Modern Pharma serum.

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3 million doses in 48 hours

Before Thursday’s meeting, the FDA has considered that Pfizer’s vaccine “it is very effective” to prevent covid-19 and that there are no security problems that prevent it from being granted an emergency use authorization.

Meanwhile, the US government finalizes preparations for its distribution and plans to deliver 3 million of the first doses nationwide 48 hours after emergency approval.

General Gustave Perna, in charge of the logistics distribution operation, said in a telephone press conference on Wednesday They will deliver 3 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine first, and 21 days later they will provide a second batch.

The military head of Operation Warp Speed ​​(faster than light) ensured that 24 and 48 hours the whole country should have simultaneous access to the Pfizer vaccine.


Read also

– Brazil detects its first possible infection with a super-resistant fungus

– Canada approves the use of Pfizer’s vaccine against covid-19

– House of former official who accused the US of manipulating data
