The US president returns to the White House and salutes without a mask


The president of the United States, Donald Trump, sick with covid-19, took off his mask and raised his thumb when he arrived at the White House on Monday night after being discharged from the hospital where he remained for the last three days.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, left the hospital on Monday where he was hospitalized for three days for covid-19 and went to the White House, after promising that “soon” he will resume his campaign for the November 3 elections, although his Doctor said he is not yet “completely out of the woods.”

Shortly before, the president had tweeted that Americans should not fear the virus that has left almost 210,000 deaths in the country.

In images broadcast live on television, Trump was seen leaving the Walter Reed military medical center on the outskirts of Washington alone. Then, wearing a mask, he walked to a limousine – amid shouts of “Four more years!” of his supporters stationed at the scene – to board the Marine One helicopter.

Upon landing, he crossed the lawn waving to the cameras before climbing the steps to the balcony of the presidential residence.

There, he adjusted his jacket, removed his mask and raised his thumbs, the latest gesture of defiance from a leader who for months has made clear his disdain for those who cover their faces to protect themselves from COVID-19.

Also read: “I feel much better, we are going to beat the coronavirus”: Trump, on his state of health

Less than a month before the elections to which he is lagging behind in the polls against his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, Trump’s return to the White House was a spectacle choreographed to show that the 74-year-old president is in good health, while a series of tweets showed his message to voters: that he defeated the virus and will now lead the country’s recovery.

“We will be back to campaign soon!” He tweeted.

“Do not be afraid of the covid,” he said in another, assuring himself rejuvenated after convalescence.

Biden, who was campaigning in Florida, was quick to respond: “Let him say that to the 205,000 families who lost someone,” the former vice president said.

The Democratic candidate continued to speak about the issue at an outdoor event in Miami, where he criticized the Republican president for ignoring the use of masks to prevent infections.

“I hope the president, after he’s been through what he’s been through, and I’m glad he looks like he’s doing pretty well, will deliver the right lesson to the American people: masks matter,” he said.

But Trump remained defiant in the face of the disease, exclaiming in a new message to Americans: “Do not let it dominate your life, get out, be careful,” he said in a video on Twitter.

Also read: Age and weight, Trump’s risk factors against covid-19

“Unknown territory”

Despite claiming that he is in good health, a combination of secrecy, conflicting information from officials and an outbreak of the virus in his inner circle took a toll on the president’s credibility.

White House physician Sean Conley has warned that Trump will not be “completely out of the woods” for a week.

Despite Trump’s attempts to minimize it, the pandemic that has sown death and paralyzed the economy of the world’s leading power since its appearance in China at the end of 2019, is one of the main concerns in the country and its failed management of the crisis is considered the main reason for Biden’s advantage in polls.

Trump’s spokeswoman, Kayleigh McEnany, became the last positive case in the president’s close circle on Monday since the announcement Thursday of the contagion from aide Hope Hicks, which set off alarms.

Other positive cases close to Trump include his wife Melania, his campaign manager Bill Stepien, two of McEnany’s assistants, according to local media, and more than half a dozen other people coming to the president, both inside and outside the White House.

“Invincible hero”

Trump, who was beset by revelations that he had avoided paying income taxes and other scandals before he fell ill, urged Americans to vote by highlighting what he considers to be his administration’s accomplishments.


“Now I’m better, maybe I’m immune, I don’t know,” he later added about his own hospitalization.

Among Trump supporters awaiting his release from the hospital, Karen Sloan celebrated the president’s return to the White House: “That means he was able to overcome that flu.”

“It’s made of iron,” said the 50-year-old Washington resident, who like many present was not wearing a mask.

An unofficial White House gift shop announced Monday that it will put on sale a commemorative coin with the inscription “President Donald J. Trump Defeats Covid” for $ 100.

Biden in Florida

With Trump convalescing, and Biden just shy of his 78th birthday, interest in his running mates has grown, bringing the debate between the vice presidential candidates scheduled for Wednesday between Republican Mike Pence and Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris. Greater relevance.

At the meeting, Pence and Harris will stand nearly four meters apart – instead of the approximately two meters originally planned – and will be separated by a Plexiglass panel.
