the seeker celebrates its 22nd anniversary


A ‘G’ surrounded by cake and gifts, accompanied by the other letters that make up the name of the technological giant, is the creative design with which The American company celebrates its 22 years this Sunday.


Just when the world still maintains restrictions to contain the coronavirus pandemic, including the confinement that forces virtual encounters, Google seems to reflect with its ‘doodle’ on this new reality that this year has led many to celebrate special dates from home .

The company remembers in its file of ‘doodles’ the story that began on September 27 in the late nineties when Larry Page and Sergey Brin it was founded on the campus of Stanford University, in Palo Alto, California, United States.

“As graduate students, the couple set out to improve the way people interacted with the vast amount of information on the World Wide Web. Google was born in 1998 and the rest is history ”, evokes the company.

It is not the first time that the popular search engine, the most used in the world, celebrates its anniversary with a ‘doodle’ (a tool that will also come to WhatsApp Web).

Last year the date was commemorated with a ‘doodle’ that showed the image of an old computer; In 2018, the technology company celebrated its arrival on the second floor with a video that remembered the evolution of the company; and by 15 they used a game in which users guided the letter ‘G’ to break the piñata.

In the following image, some of the designs that Google has used to remember his birth.


What are ‘doodles’ and what is their history?

To commemorate special dates, Google often does changes to your logo and presents them in the form of games, interactive pieces, pictures or animated designs which search engine users can access when they enter the home page.

The first of these changes was published in 2000 to mark Bastille Day.

“It was so well received by users that Dennis Hwang was appointed [webmaster de la compañía por esa época] Google’s official doodler, and doodles started showing up more regularly on Google’s home page, ”the tech giant said.

The most remembered and most successful doodles are the interactive ones, as they propose games and activities that manage to capture the public’s attention, to such an extent that sometimes the search for which Google was reached is forgotten.

Where does the name Google come from?

On the occasion of his 22nd birthday, the company recalled that his name It comes from a play with a mathematical term that emerged from a simple walk around the year 1920.

As he was walking through the forests of New Jersey, American mathematician Edward Kasner asked his young nephew Milton Sirotta to help him choose a name for an astonishing number: a 1 followed by 100 zeros. Milton’s response? A googol! ”, Explained Google on its website dedicated to ‘doodles’.

“We chose the name of our system, Google, because is a common spelling of googol, or 10100 and it fits well with our goal of building search engines on a large scale, ”Page and Brin said of the company’s anniversary last year.
