The quarantine in Armenia is over: no curfew, no pick and cedula, no dry law


The municipal government of Armenia has just decided to fully assume Decree 1168 of the national government, issued on August 25, 2020, where it changes the mandatory isolation or quarantine for a selective isolation. This means that from this first of September there will be no quarantine, but selective isolation. Therefore, in Armenia the curfew, the peak and cedula and the dry law are ending, measures that had been adopted to contain the spread of Covid-19

However, this Tuesday, Mayor Claudia Milena Rivera will consult with the Ministry of the Interior to study the possibility of implementing a permanent curfew from 10 at night until five in the morning, with the purpose of stopping the overflow of citizens in Meetings of many people where a more obvious contagion of Covid 19 can occur. If the ministry accepts it, the measure will be studied with the safety and health authorities to adopt it, surely starting next weekend. At the moment, it is announced that the quarantine ends and citizens can take Decree 1168 as a measure, which has the following restrictions:

1 The national population must continue to comply with all biosecurity protocols and continue to wear masks. Companies must continue with the execution of their biosecurity measures.

two). Mayors with prior authorization from the Ministry of the Interior may request to restrict some activities or areas in their municipality. (This is the case in Armenia, where the mayor is going to ask permission for a curfew from 10 at night to five in the morning)

3). In non-Covid municipalities, and with low or moderate affectation, mayors may not isolate activities, zones or areas. The public order measures that mayors are to adopt in these municipalities must be justified and authorized by the Ministry of the Interior in advance. (Only selective and focused isolations can be made in specific homes that present positive cases)

4). 3 prohibited activities continue: ü Events involving crowding. ü Bars, discos and places to dance. ü Alcohol consumption in public spaces and establishments (sale is not prohibited). However, mayors may request pilot plans to open establishments with consumption of alcoholic beverages on the site

5) Pilot plans for holding business fairs in municipalities may be requested.

6) The selectivity of the isolation mentioned in the decree is specifically given for those people who are positive for Covid and for its epidemiological nucleus, that is, relatives who may have been infected and who do not yet have the test.

7) Only the activities contemplated in the decree, such as those mentioned above, are prohibited. What is not mentioned is not prohibited.
