The predictions for 2021 according to the Chinese horoscope: “time of greater order, discipline, and work awareness”


The expert Ludovica Squirru assures that it will be a year without great changes.
The expert Ludovica Squirru assures that it will be a year without great changes.

A few days after the end of the fateful 2020, in the collective environment the expectation begins to increase for what awaits humanity next year. Behind it is expected to leave a pandemic, which has plunged the world into an unexpected crisis and that so far has taken more than a million and a half lives and has 78 million people suffering the effects of the fearsome Covid-19.

The uncertainty is immense compared to a year that se hopes it’s better in every way, compared to this one that ends. The world is waiting for the immunization of the coronavirus, and the direction of the different social and political movements that are experienced in various parts of the world.

That is why many astrologers, experts or simply curious about the subject, resort to predictions that can be discovered thanks to tools, available since ancient times, such as the Chinese horoscope.

This is the case of the Argentine astrologer Ludovica squirru, who made known through the Sputnik news agency some of the predictions for 2021, taking into account the Chinese calendar that will start on February 12.

The animal that will accompany 2021

Squirru assured that 2021 will be represented by the metal buffalo, an animal that is characterized as a symbol of order, discipline, effort, work and family.

According to Chinese mythology, this animal It will especially favor people who were born in 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 and 2009. The start of this new year marks the culmination of the metal rat season that ruled 2020.

According to information from the Colombian magazine Semana, Ludovica Squirru points out in his book The Chinese Horoscope 2020, that the metal rat “It is the sign of greater survival capacity because it carries in its genetics the way to defend itself from human attacks”, a belief that may signify the survival capacity that put humanity to the test in this year that is ending.

Ludovica Squirru gives her predictions for 2021, according to the Chinese horoscope.
Ludovica Squirru gives her predictions for 2021, according to the Chinese horoscope.

“To prepare for the arrival of the new year this chaotic and crazy year of the infected rat must be put in order, which marked a before and after. The world has been shocked by this pandemic and this is a message to wake up ”, assured the astrologer in the international agency.

2021 will be a year of order, discipline, and labor awareness

Squirru also assured that next year not expected to be marked with radical changess, like its predecessor. But according to the forecasts, “It will be a time of greater order, discipline, and labor awareness, and of a more totalitarian world with greater control by the authorities of each country.”

“There are always signs more akin than others with the buffalo like the rat, the snake and the rooster, others more incompatible like the goat, and others that are going to roam more like the horse, pig and dog”, Squirru assured, explaining in turn, that to know what each person in 2021 holds in 2021, he advises going to his book Chinese Horoscope 2021.

The astrologer is recognized, because in her previous book, Chinese Horoscope 2020, he predicted that the metal rat would “charge unforgettable karmic interest that the citizens of each country would pay with health.”

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