The peak and plate, if he comes back next year, it won’t be like before


josé daniel restrepo – sabaneta

“As in all municipalities, in these times of covid-19 a date has not been stipulated for the return of the peak and plate for private vehicles, yes, we have been implementing incentive campaigns for people to use alternative means of transport such as bicycle, while we move forward in the invitation to use public transport, complying with biosecurity protocols. We, as Sabaneta, are ready to support and join the proposals that, for example, contribute to the air quality of the metropolitan area, but we must also analyze the consequences on traffic. Next year, reviewing the pandemic situation, we will make the best decisions for our municipality ”.


“Regarding the vehicle restriction measures in Girardota, we consider that in the territory there are particular characteristics that in 2020 led us to not comply with peak and plate measures, not even environmental ones. Nor are we going to do them in 2021, a year in which the peak and plate are even ruled out if there is an environmental contingency. This administration is taking independent measures and as a municipality we are awaiting studies that the mayor’s office contracted with the University of Antioquia and the National University, to analyze measures thinking about air quality and mobility ”.

Daniel alejandro arbeláez – Barbosa

“The municipality of Barbosa has never had a pick and plate and for now we are not planning to implement it. In this population, the measure has only been decreed in times of environmental contingency due to poor air quality and by order of the Metropolitan Area. For now, there is no analysis or project around the peak and plate in Barbosa, as other municipalities may have. We don’t even have a pick and tag for taxis, because we only have 24 individual public service vehicles. In Barbosa there is not nor will there be, for now, pick and plate ”.

jhon hernández – copacabana

“Copacabana has never had a pick and license plate for private vehicles or for taxis. We have only implemented the measure in agreement with the Metropolitan Area during periods of environmental contingency and, although there are metropolitan proposals, we have not contemplated decreeing peak and plate ”.

Alejandro Escobar – The Star

“Thinking about modifying the peak and plate to which people are accustomed must be a structured decision analyzed by each territory and jointly with the other 9 municipalities of Aburrá. In the case of the municipality of La Estrella, the possibility of modifying or adopting new measures related to the peak and plate has not been contemplated, that is why we are waiting to establish technical tables for the discussion of new intervention and traffic control proposals , because currently among the municipalities of the metropolitan area no proposal has been socialized in relation to the continuity, modification or definitive suspension of the measure ”.

Nicolás arenas – envigado

“We believe that it makes no sense to send people into crowds on public transport. It is true that people these days have endured the traffic jam, but it is compensated by the fact that they are calmer and safer in their private vehicle, at least from the health issue. I want it to be clear that in Envigado we have not contemplated changes to the peak and plate, although we have listened to the proposals of Medellín. We think that each territory has its own dynamics, but we must understand that if the peak and plate are modified in a single municipality, it would generate problems in the others ”.

Juan fernando vélez – caldas

“The peak and plate have not returned to Caldas because the sanitary measure for covid-19 is in force. It remains suspended thinking that road users travel safer in their private vehicle and thus avoid contagion in public transport. Caldas, at this time, has not contemplated the return of the mobility restriction, or modify the peak and plate that people knew and followed until the beginning of the year ”.

rigoberto arroyave – beautiful

“The peak and plate is implemented mainly for two reasons: to mitigate the environmental impact during air pollution episodes and to improve mobility, especially during peak hours. Bello always abides by what was approved by the advisory council of the Metropolitan Area – Rionegro – Valle San Nicolás and since the return of the peak and plate has not been discussed there, we do not consider going back to the measure. At the moment the peak and plate will not be implemented, but we are doing traffic control measures, such as parking on public roads. We are also helping mobility by improving the road network, signaling and traffic light maintenance. As for modifying the root of the beak and plate, there have been no discussions and it is not on the agenda either. I am waiting for a meeting of the metropolitan advisory council to be called, thinking about 2021 ”.

emma emma carmela salazar – ITAGÜÍ

“What is being proposed today from peak and plate is speculation, at least in Itagüí. At the end of this year, we still do not know when the measure will return, because it is essential to make joint decisions with the Metropolitan Area as the regional mobility authority. For this municipality the diagnosis is clear: we are a city of passage and we depend, in part, on metropolitan decisions, which are what we support. For now we do not contemplate or alter or change the peak and plate, although we know of the need for it to return, given the congestion on the roads in recent days, but we also know that it is not prudent while the pandemic is present.
