The pandemic registers its worst global figures in the last 24 hours


The World Health Organization (WHO) registered in the last 24 hours more than 13,000 global deaths and 692,000 new infections of coronavirus, the worst daily figures in almost a year of the pandemic, bringing the total since its inception to 69.5 million cases and 1.58 million deaths.

The slight drop in global daily cases that was perceived two weeks ago, thanks mainly to the decline in infections in Europe, has not been consolidated and global figures are rising again, indicating that the current wave is far from over. America, with 29.7 million cases, registered a record number of 328,000 new positives last day, while Europe, with 21.4 million infections, notified the WHO 273,000, far from the figures of a month ago but showing an increase in infections over last week.

The third most affected region, South Asia, with 11.3 million cases, nevertheless shows a decrease in daily infections.

The United States, a country where the use of the Pfizer and BioNTech anticovid vaccine was approved today, adds 15.4 million cases and its graph also continues to rise.

On the other hand, cases are falling in India, the second most affected country with 9.8 million cases since the start of the pandemic, while they continue to rise in Brazil (6.7 million) and Russia (2.5 million).

France and the United Kingdom show stabilization in daily cases after weeks of declines, while the downward curve remains in the next most affected countries, Italy and Spain, both with more than 1.7 million positives.

Recovered patients on the planet are close to 50 million and of the 20 million active patients, 0.5 percent (106,000) are in serious condition, according to data from national health networks.
