The orange alert in Kennedy continues to expand with the pandemic


New locks. The Kennedy town may have restricted areas, in two other UPZs, to counter the expansion of COVID-19.

Is it true? Many residents of the Kennedy Orange Alert Zones are violating community standards.

Kennedy continues to be the city of Bogotá with the highest number of COVID-19 cases. The most populated locality of the city has shown to have serious problems due to the large number of cases of the virus, which at the close of this edition were 809. In fact, if it were an independent department, the locality would only be surpassed by the rest of Bogotá , Valle del Cauca, Meta and Atlántico in the number of cases.

This motivated that since last Friday, three critical areas for the virus are under special restrictions. The orange alert in Kennedy could be extended to new areas, restricting the mobility of more inhabitants. This will depend on the way in which cases progress in the coming days, while the three areas currently in restriction are strengthened.

This Monday, the Mayor’s Office carried out new studies and health brigades in the town. The disinfections in the streets of UPZ Bavaria, Calandaima, Corabastos and Patio Bonito were carried out intensively, but the Mayor’s Office will increase the number of disinfection days in other nearby sectors.

Neighbors to the water

These are the UPZ Kennedy Central and Americas, which contain some very populous sectors such as Ciudad Kennedy and Castilla. In these areas, which also have a large flow of people by having transportation centers such as the Banderas de TransMilenio station and other commercial centers, disinfection sessions will be carried out to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among its inhabitants and passers-by.

Government Secretary Luis Ernesto Gómez stressed that the measures do not imply an expansion of the orange alert. “We did intense activities in the Kennedy quadrants. We are going to continue expanding coverage. We are going to do intensive work in Kennedy Central, UPZ Americas and in Corabastos and María Paz,” said the senior official.

According to the Government Secretariat, these activities are carried out in sectors that are not part of the orange alert because the town has an overwhelming number of cases. The Kennedy Central and Americas sectors will be temporarily kept out of additional restrictions.

Do people do comply?

The local mayor of Kennedy, Yeimi Carolina Agudelo, stressed that these brigades have been accompanied by other entities. Investments have been made in citizen culture, the number of aid to vulnerable inhabitants has multiplied and a massive test will begin to determine the true extent of the coronavirus among its inhabitants.

Still, complaints from both social media and local leaders have been limited. Large crowds were seen in financial entities and businesses in the sector. The situation is particularly critical in María Paz, together with Corabastos, who for several weeks already had crowds.

As of Monday afternoon, according to the Government Secretariat, 300 people had already been sanctioned for violating the orange alert in Kennedy and 224 for not wearing face masks. If the situation worsens as a result of the relaxation of the restrictive measures proposed by the national government, these would be extended to more Kennedy neighborhoods. Expansion to other locations such as Suba and Engativá with high numbers of positive cases has not yet been considered.

The numbers


COVID-19 cases have been registered with Kennedy.


People were sanctioned for not wearing face masks in Bogotá.
