The Ministry of Health registered 6,136 new cases of covid-19 in the last 24 hours


Gabriel Forero Oliveros – [email protected]

After reporting figures close to 10,000 new cases of covid-19, or even more, during the weekend that ended, the Ministry of Health reported that in the last 24 hours, 6,136 infections with the virus were registered, so that the country it will reach 1,099,392 infected.

Of this total, 71,165 still remain active, after 38,233 tests were processed in the last day, of which 26,108 were PCR and 12,125 were antigens.

By cities, Bogotá had 1,454 cases in the last hours. It was followed by Barranquilla, with 74, Cartagena, 43 and Santa Marta, with 40.

In the case of the departments, Antioquia reported 1,127 new infections, a record much higher than that of Huila, which ranked second, with 455 and Valle del Cauca, with 436.

At the end of the daily table of the Ministry of Health and the Health Institute, there were Vaupés, with two, Guainía and Chocó, with four, and San Andrés, with eight.

In total, 177 deaths were reported, of which 154 corresponded to previous days. In addition, 993,877 recovered from the virus were consolidated.

In the world, the numbers of infections exceed 47 million, while that of deaths, 1.2 million and that of recovered, 31.4 million.
