The Ministry of Health confirmed that the country exceeded 800,000 cases of covid-19 this Saturday


Ana María Sánchez – [email protected]

In the update of the daily report of the Ministry of Health it was confirmed that in the last 24 hours there were 7,721 new cases of covid-19 in the national territory. This, for a total of 806,038 confirmed cases throughout the country.

According to the portfolio, 33,958 tests were processed, in total, of which 22,290 correspond to PCR and 11,668 to the antigen test. As for the deceased, it was reported that there were 193 deaths, in the last hours, so in total it is confirmed that there are 25,296 deaths due to the virus.

Another of the relevant data provided by the Ministry has to do with the number of recovered, which since the first cases were presented, to date, there are 700,112. In addition, the total number of active cases in the country is 78,956.

Regarding the situation by department, the portfolio showed that of the total cases in Bogotá there were 2,397, in Antioquia 1,220, in Valle 584, Santander 484, Cesar 324, Cundinamarca 304, Huila 238, Tolima 212, Meta 177, Norte Santander 177 and Caqueta 168.
