The military leadership expresses “absolute loyalty” to Maduro after a frustrated attack


“We reiterate (…) absolute loyalty to the citizen Nicolás Maduro Moros, constitutional president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, our commander in chief,” said Padrino, flanked by other military chiefs, on behalf of the Bolivarian National Armed Force, FANB.

The minister announced that in the next few hours, new military maneuvers will be carried out throughout the nation’s territory, “emphasizing the entire coastal region” to search for any other “conspiracy cell.”

Godfather reiterated the Government’s version, according to which a group of terrorist mercenaries “organized and trained in Colombia, carried out an incursion against national sovereignty, by pretending to land with war material on the coasts of Macuto, La Guaira state.”

Also read: At least 46 dead during a riot in a Venezuelan prison.

“A new destabilization attempt has been neutralized, which sought to wreak havoc and generate a spiral of violence in the Venezuelan community,” said the head of Defense, who commented that some of the hitherto eight victims were linked to drug trafficking.

The authorities, he continued, withheld “a significant amount of weapons and equipment,” some of which were used in the short-lived military uprising of April 30, 2019, which was led by opposition leader Juan Guaidó, recognized as interim president of Venezuela. for almost 60 countries.

Padrino reported that military divers and security agencies on the ground are looking for equipment and weapons that were going to be used in this operation, as well as possible persons involved, so that new arrests are not ruled out, apart from the pair of those apprehended earlier.

“This last action is added to a long list of aggressions by the North American empire and its allies (…) that only seek to affect the peace of the Venezuelan people, and overthrow the legitimately constituted government,” the text added, referring to the Government of States. United.
