The heartfelt farewell to Ivan Rakitic at FC Barcelona


His signing for Sevilla confirmed yesterday, Croatian midfielder Ivan Rakitic has put an end to a stage at FC Barcelona of which he has fond memories. Thus, the Balkan has indicated that “It is more to feel my moment than not the coach’s message. The moment has come and I had the great illusion of taking the step to Sevilla. I am very grateful to the communication with the coaches” about your decision.

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Additionally, Rakitic noted: “No, it is not the end of an era. I am very proud of all these years in Barcelona. After 310 games at the best club in the world, after 13 titles. After six years it has not been easy to leave. I am very grateful to all the details. I don’t like to talk about the end of an era. I think that each player has to think about when the time comes to leave and that moment has come, nothing more. I feel very proud, happy and grateful to all the partners and fans of Barça “.
