The good, the bad and the ugly of the first meeting between Trump and Biden


Amid personal attacks, insults, interruptions and shouting, the first face-to-face between the two candidates for the US presidency took place on Tuesday, making it an embarrassing spectacle by some analysts.

On the one hand, the Republican and current president, Donald Trump, was seen in his usual dynamic of attack, seeking to weaken his adversary.

On the other hand, there was the Democrat and former vice president of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, who although he tried to contain himself in the face of the attacks, fell into the game of insult.

Even Fox News moderator Chris Wallace struggled unsuccessfully throughout the 90-minute event to maintain control.

The debate that took place in Cleveland, Ohio, with just 70 people on account of the pandemic, but which all Americans could see on television, showed the tension and deep division that exists in that country. For several analysts, a winner did not emerge from this debate.

The candidates will meet again on October 15 in Miami, Florida, and on October 22 in Nashville, Tennessee.

The worst ever

In the debate there were zero meeting points, on the contrary, an accumulated resentment between the two candidates was evidenced.
At various times the shouts of one or the other did not allow us to hear what they were saying and the discussion became disorderly, despite the moderator’s attempts to channel the debate.

For many analysts, Tuesday’s meeting was the worst the country has seen.

Also read: They will take action for future debates of Trump and Biden after chaotic first meeting

“Trump brought his non-presidential style to the stage. This was one of the most chaotic and attack-filled debates in the history of the United States, ”electoral expert Mitchell S. McKinney, an academic at the University of Missouri, told AFP.

For many, in the end there was the feeling that they acted like children and not like who could be the future President of the world’s leading power.

Many voters ended up more confused and undecided than at first. There were no campaign proposals or clear speeches on what the government of whoever wins the right to occupy the White House would be like.

He achieved his goal

The current president of the United States, Donald Trump, who aspires to be re-elected, achieved the goal of taking his political rival, Joe Biden, to his war terrain and getting him out of boxes on some occasions.

Likewise, he got away with it when he avoided discussing some key issues chosen by the moderator, and diverting attention with attacks on his opponent to destabilize him.

However, most of Trump’s supporters adore his aggressive and provocative style, which is why they were satisfied.

One message that the Trump campaign probably wanted to emphasize in the minds of Americans is that Biden has been a public servant for many years without much success. So he reinforced that idea on several occasions.

“In 47 months, I have done more than you have done in 47 years,” the Head of State told the former vice president.

Did not stop talking

The President constantly interrupted Biden and corrected him several times. Even the moderator, Chris Wallace, had to ask him to let his opponent speak. According to a CBS News account, Trump interrupted his rival 73 times. Analysts say he did this so many times that he didn’t let Biden mess up.

He launched an arsenal of accusations against his Democratic rival and his family, even exposing the alleged relationship of a Biden son with the Vladimir Putin regime and his problems with drugs.

Faced with questions about his tax returns, he went out of his way with generalities such as “I have paid millions in taxes,” but without clearly answering whether he paid only $ 750 in 2016 and 2017, as stated by The New York Times.

And when the moderator asked him if he condemned the actions of white supremacists, the current president avoided compromising.

Better than expected

Although Donald Trump went out of his way to denigrate Biden’s mental acuity and sought to show a weak rival, the Democratic nominee responded better than expected.

Despite the ongoing interruptions from the current President, Biden tried to stick with his script and address the electorate directly through the cameras. In addition, he not only endured the attacks, but returned them, thus putting aside the qualifier of ‘Joe the sleeping’ that Trump attributes to him.

One point in favor for Biden was that, prior to the debate, he published his income statement, which shows that he paid almost $ 300,000 in taxes last year.

On the other hand, the Democrat promised to respect the results of the November 3 elections “after all the ballots are counted.” “If it’s me, that’s fine. If it is not me, I will support the result ”.

Also insulted

Although many expected Donald Trump to resort to the attack, the former Democratic vice president ended up uttering some of the harshest insults of the night, calling his rival a “clown” and a “liar.” Although he tried to be firm, in the end he could not contain his temper and reacted to the President’s provocations.

But although he could not contain himself in the face of the attacks, analysts say that he lost several opportunities to truly confront Trump and did not manage to give him many ‘blows’.

He was able, for example, to take more advantage of The New York Times revelations about Trump’s non-payment of taxes. Although he noted that the President paid less federal taxes than teachers, that message was not as strong.

On the other hand, Biden was unable to clarify whether if elected he will promote an in-depth judicial reform as requested by the progressive wing of the Democratic Party.
