The fight between Tyson and Jones Jr., continues to awaken regrets


The return to the ring of the legends of the sport of boxing, the Americans Mike Tyson and Roy Jones Jr., scheduled for this Saturday, still does not add sporting value, and more after knowing the rules by which the fight is going to be governed display.

The new idea of ​​taking two boxing icons out of retirement to face them in an event that will be broadcast live on the payment system, which will also feature musical performances, is seen by fans as one more attempt to make “cash” by part of Tyson, 54, who will receive 10 million dollars, and Jones Jr., three years younger, who will receive another three.

This whole idea has been the subject of serious criticism that only gets worse as the date of the fight approaches, which will take place at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.

But the final blow to the little sporting value that the event generated came after the latest announcements of the rules, including the one that no ‘knockout’ will be allowed, something that has been considered by true boxing fans as authentic ” insult “and more when it comes to the queen category.

But the California Athletic Commission (CSAC) does not allow boxers over the age of 50 to be knocked out.

Faced with this impediment, the fans who were excited when they saw videos of Tyson throwing power shots in the gym and hoped there would be some of that in the fight, they already have it completely ruled out and it is the first major sports “disappointment” of the event.

The referee will be in charge of controlling, at all times, with his intervention, that the “intensity of display” by both fighters does not go beyond complying with rules that have nothing to do with the sport of boxing.

The above “guarantees” that the fight will reach the end of the eight established rounds, unless there is a serious injury or cut, but lacking in emotion, intensity and suspense to offer fans by both legends.

The rounds have also been limited to two minutes in length, so the maximum action will be just 16 minutes, yet another element of lack of material time so that Tyson and Jones Jr. can be seen hitting harder.

In case the above was not already “frustrating” enough, at a sports level, using gloves of just 12 ounces will significantly reduce the power of the blows, which ensures that the ‘knockout’ will not occur under any of the circumstances.

The only positive thing about this fight will be the chance to see “Iron Mike” and “Captain Left Hook” back in the ring, enough for there to be interest in seeing them in action again.

Both fighters, in promoting the fight, have insisted that they are going to go out to “kill”, something that no one understands how it can happen under the rules by which the fight is going to be guided, it is thought that, then, the great protagonist he will be the referee who must constantly intervene to control those “murderous” instincts of the boxers.

So far it is unknown what will be the magic formula that both world boxing legends may have to be able, at least, to entertain the fans who want to continue the fight.

Although Tyson was able to give a hint, yesterday, Thursday, when in the traditional “Thanksgiving Day”, in a promotional video, he is seen eating Jones Jr.’s ‘ear’ and joking that “it tastes much better than that of Evander, “in a nod to the infamous moment he bit off a piece of compatriot Evander Holyfield’s ear during their fight in 1997.

Tyson compiled a 50-6 record during his career. But he hasn’t fought since June 2005 when he lost to Kevin McBride by stopping his corner the fight.

The former world champion said after the match that he no longer had “the guts to be in this sport.”

His last victory was against Clifford Etienne in February 2003.

For his part, Jones Jr. finished his boxing career with a record of 66-9 and 47 knockouts. His last fight was in February 2018 against Scott Sigmon in which he won by unanimous decision.
