The decisions that have been made in 60 days of crisis by COVID-19 in Barranquilla


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The mayor of Barranquilla, Jaime Pumarejo, Since March 4, when the National Government and the territorial entities agreed on an articulated response to the coronavirus pandemic, Barranquilla activated its contingency plan for the containment phase.


Tuesday, March 10. The postponement of the IDB Assembly was confirmed, as a preventive measure, considering the suspension of massive influx events around the world.

Thursday, March 12. The Mayor’s Office, through the Ministry of Health, confirmed that the contingency response plan continues for an eventual presence of the coronavirus in the local territory.

Saturday, March 14. After finishing the meeting of governors and mayors with President Iván Duque, the mayor of Barranquilla, Jaime Pumarejo, highlighted the decision to speed up the opening of decentralized laboratories to diagnose coronaviruses in the Atlántico department. He also announced the decision of the National Government to share information on flights and travelers arriving on international flights, who have to do mandatory isolation.

Friday March 15. To protect the educational community, the academic recess of the students is beginning, starting on Monday, March 16. Children and young people should stay at home, not go to places with crowded people and put self-care measures into practice.

Monday March 16. The District issued new measures in development of the contingency plan: the total cessation of activities of events and public and private agglomerations of a social, religious, sports, artistic, recreational, cultural, political or any other nature was ordered, whether in closed or open places.

Tuesday, March 17. Minsalud confirmed the first two cases of coronavirus in Barranquilla, after positive results from the analyzes carried out and verified by the INS. The cases are imported from Madrid and Barcelona (Spain): two young people from Barranquilla who arrived in the city on March 11 and 12, respectively. The control of the Epidemiological Surveillance office, through the search for foreign respiratory symptoms and / or travelers from Spain, Italy, France and China, allowed the identification and monitoring of cases.

Wednesday March 18. Jaime Pumarejo announced special measures to protect the elderly: two consecutive payments of the elderly subsidy, to prevent them from leaving. And from April 1 to May 30, a daily ration to the 3,500 beneficiaries of the fixed life centers of the city and, additionally, to 3,500 more seniors from the vulnerable areas of Barranquilla.

Thursday, March 19. Minsalud confirmed the third case of coronavirus in Barranquilla: an adult woman, 48 years old, who arrived on March 8 from Paris, Madrid and Bogotá. Isolation protocols were followed.

Friday March 20. Jaime Pumarejo, in response to the health emergency, issued new complementary provisions: “Today we are moving to the next stage of our plan and it is called ‘Barranquilla does not go out.’ This is not a drill, it is our new reality. They are not temporary measures for the weekend, they will be in effect until further notice, ”he said.

Saturday, March 21. The mayor announces that 400,000 people will be guaranteed food during confinement, by providing food aid in the homes, in the most vulnerable neighborhoods and sectors.

Tuesday, March 24. On a visit to the Puerta de Oro events center, the mayor announces that the first field hospital will be installed there.

Wednesday, March 25. In the San Luis neighborhood, Mayor Jaime Pumarejo supervised the start of the delivery of food packages for 28,600 children between 0 and 5 years old, belonging to the District’s Early Childhood program.

Thursday, March 26. With the delivery of 1,500 food aids in Villas de la Cordialidad, a program by Mayor Pumarejo brought food to the homes of nearly 400,000 people.

Friday March 27. On the third day of mandatory preventive isolation, the mayor presented a balance of the management carried out by the District Administration.

Saturday March 28. The president announced that 8 ways to donate and help those who really need it were activated. During a visit to the collection center at the Sugar Baby Rojas fighting palace, the mayor explained that contributions can range from 50,000 pesos, and that they can be made from Barranquilla, or anywhere in the world.

Tuesday March 31. The community of the El Ferry neighborhood received the mayor, who led the delivery of 12,600 food aid, in development of the program started on March 26 with the Brigades in Barranquilla to serve 400,000 people.

Wednesday, April 1. By means of a decree, the president ordered to apply the measure of “peak and ID” so that people can carry out those ordinary activities that are allowed by the exceptions to mandatory preventive isolation.

Friday, April 3. The mayor visited the SENA facilities to learn about the prototype mechanical fan designed jointly by young people, instructors and teachers from that entity and from the Universidad del Norte.

Thursday, April 9. The mayor announced the start of the second phase of food aid delivery. He also announced the modification of the “peak and certificate” measure.

Thursday, April 16. With an initial quota of $ 60,000 million, the preferential credit line ‘Barranquilla Responde’, created by the District Mayor’s Office and Bancóldex for the economic recovery of local companies due to the effects of COVID-19, began to operate.

Saturday, April 25. Pumarejo issued new measures that establish exceptions for the free movement of people and vehicles linked to activities in the construction and manufacturing sectors, as well as the development of outdoor physical activity.

Sunday, April 26. On Monday, April 27, the construction and manufacturing industry were gradually reactivated, within the mandatory preventive isolation, the Mayor of Barranquilla ordered that only companies that have their biosafety protocols registered may resume their work, and established the necessary procedures to comply with this requirement by enabling the appropriate virtual channels. Likewise, measures are provided for public transport, especially compliance with the use of the mask and controlled gauging in vehicles.

Wednesday, April 29. The mayor announces that Barranquilla will decide on its public policy actions to open the economy in a responsible way, protecting the health of those from Barranquilla.

With implements and equipment for the health sector, Shakira joins the campaign ‘I am supportive, I am Barranquilla’. The artist from Barranquilla announced the donation of masks and respirators for UCI.

Saturday, May 2. Upon the suspension of Transmetro operations, the Barranquilla Metropolitan Area announced that it has authorized routes for collective public transport.

Sunday, May 3. The District signed an agreement with ICONTEC so that this institute is in charge of training and certifying companies that require it, to return to productive activity safely for its staff and the entire city.

Monday, May 4. Pumarejo presented the COVID Patrols, made up of specialized personnel from the district secretariats of Government and Health, the Office for Citizen Security and Coexistence, and the Police.

Tuesday May 5. The president issued a measure of maximum restriction of movement, with a new “bill and ID.” The restriction implies that during the weekend people will only be able to leave their home for work and medical emergencies.

Wednesday, May 6. They enabled online consultation for people who want to know the results of their tests carried out to determine COVID-19.

Thursday, May 7. The first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in an inmate, 26, who entered the El Bosque district prison on March 6.

Friday, May 8. The mayor ruled that the dry law will rule in Barranquilla from Saturday, May 9 at 6:00 p.m. until Monday, May 11 at 6:00 a.m.
