The current indicator of ICU bed occupancy in Medellín


The behavior of the covid in the department has set off alarms due to the imminence of a new declaration of red alert.

Also read: Could there be a new quarantine in Antioquia?

During five of the last six days the new infections in Antioquia were the most abundant in the country with figures close to and greater than 2,000 cases diagnosed each day. Medellín, for its part, has been the municipality that has concentrated the most cases in the department.

The fear of the red alert is due to the fact that Antioquia has been with occupations above 70% for approximately 15 days and the last three days it has been above 75%. As the department’s health secretary explained, Lina Bustamante, once 80% occupancy of Intensive Care Units (ICU) is reached and that indicator is maintained for three days, it will be necessary to declare the hospital red alert again.

This is Medellín

The Mayor’s Office reported that, after passing the peak of the pandemic in the last two months, the behavior has remained stable.

As of October 13, the city reported 77,664 accumulated cases, 74,570 (96%) are recovered and the remaining 1,595 cases are active. Of the latter, 221 are in the room and 175 are in Intensive Care Units.

Regarding occupancy, Medellín has 1,000 ICU beds installed, of which 780 are active and reported in the Special Registry of Health Service Providers (REPS).

The Secretary of Health, Andree Uribe Montoya, explained that the occupation continues without major variations and that “approximately 30% of the total occupation is due to a coronavirus diagnosis.”

From active beds there are 661 occupied, which represents 84.7%. Of these, 36% have covid patients (236 people), 10% have acute respiratory infections and 54% other diseases.

If the 220 beds that are available but not working were activated, the occupancy would reduce up to 66% but it would still represent a yellow alert.

Of the 236 patients with covid confirmed in UCI, 64 are from other municipalities distributed as follows: 17 from Bello, 9 from Envigado, 7 from Itagüí, 5 from Sabaneta and the others from Caldas, La Estrella, Puerto Berrío, Girardota, among others.

The IPS are still waiting to activate the remaining beds to complete the 1,000 and the elderly are still the most vulnerable population.
