The couple accused of murdering a woman in Floridablanca was sent to jail


As Arlinton Pérez Renoga, 29, and Danna Alejandra Torres Barrera, 18, the two young men accused of murdering Silvia Tatiana Pinzón Hernández were identified early Monday in the La Cumbre neighborhood, in Floridablanca.

After several hours of hearing, shortly before 7:00 pm on Tuesday, a Guarantee Control judge issued an assurance measure in a detention center. To Pérez for femicide and Torres Barrera for homicide.

It should be remembered that the crime occurred in a commercial establishment on Carrera 3E with Calle 27 de La Cumbre.

As evidenced in security camera videos, Silvia Tatiana arrived at the commercial establishment and began an argument after making a claim to Arlinton, her ex-boyfriend, who was accompanied by Danna, the new girlfriend.

But the situation went from dark brown, starting an attack with bottles. In the videos, it is observed how Arlinton took out a knife, as did Danna Alejandra, who armed herself with a knife that was hidden in the boot of her pants.

Both of them rushed at Silvia Tatiana and stabbed her, while another woman also approached Silvia and gave her a bottle.

Seriously wounded, the victim managed to take a few steps and fell disgraced. Upon noticing the presence of the authorities, the attackers fled but were captured a few blocks away, while Silvia was taken to a health center, where she arrived without vital signs.

Unofficially, it was known that the other woman who participated in the attack could also be charged with this crime.
