The beautiful idea of ​​a nursing home to celebrate Mother’s Day


Magnolia, Cira and Isabel were among the 315 residents of Miami’s The Palace Renaissance & Royal senior center, who saw their relatives for the first time in almost two months this Saturday due to the coronavirus pandemic, although they did so at distance.

More than one hundred family vehicles paraded through the parking lot of the home, while residents with their masks waved in tears.

The reunion, which accepted the security measures set by the authorities, was organized on the occasion of Mother’s Day, which is celebrated this Sunday.

“I have been more than a month and a half and it is the longest time that I have passed without seeing her. She feels a great sadness because you want to be there, hug her and share with her, At least here I see her a little bit far, but I see her” said a woman who visited her mom.

The old woman wanted to get up from the chair to kiss them, but the workers at the center stopped her. This was the case with the 13 members of another family, who greeted their grandmother from a van.

Tearfully, they sent her kisses from afar while they shouted that they missed her and that soon they could “embrace again”.

According to the latest figures from the Florida State Department of Health, there have been a total of 652 deaths of the elderly in this type of center, which represents 38% of all deaths.

Fortunately, The Palace Renaissance & Royal, in Kendall, south Miami, has not reported any cases of coronavirus.

According to Ricardo Martínez, executive director, “all the security measures are being taken,” including prohibiting access by family members.

The celebration

The caravan of cars stretched for almost two hours, so the ephemeral reunion knew little. The cars paraded several times in front of the inmates, who happily displayed signs with their names for the family to locate. Band music was also present at the party.

It is unknown when these families will be able to hug each other again, although they all dream of the arrival of that day and do not lose hope that it will be in the near future.

“I think we all have hope, although this is a very hard thing we are going through. In a few months I will be able to be with her,” said one visitor.

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