The Barranquilla medical student who was diagnosed with cancer in Russia will return to Colombia this Friday


As well as the shower of good news that Valeria Guerrero Storino received in the last hours, another shower of thanks sent her through Ground Zero, to all who facilitated her return to the country.

The young woman thanked the management of the private company, the Chancellery and the Government, and more particularly to the Counselor for the regions, Karen Abudinen, for completing the trip that next Friday will bring her back to Colombia to undergo 8 chemotherapies that you need to face the cancer that was diagnosed more than 20 days ago

The young woman who sent the video to Ground Zero on April 21 asking the government for help, sent us another today, but with the satisfaction that she will soon be with her family.

Recommended: The story of the Barranquilla medical student who was diagnosed with cancer in Russia in full covid-19

“I want to thank God first of all. Because for him nothing is impossible,” began the young woman.

He highlighted his great solidarity with the Colombians. “For your prayers, for all your support. For your messages, to Colombians abroad. To all the people who dedicated themselves to writing to me. To help me find solutions, thank you very much. I want to thank the media, the journalists because they always kept an eye on me. Every day they asked me if there was news, “he said.

After Valeria’s clamor 10 days ago today, the young medical student also thanked “the businessmen and the entire Colombian Government, Mrs. Karen, thank you very much. If you, without you, without all the support. Without this union of forces it would not have been possible. I want to thank the Russian Federation, the Spanish Government because thanks to this, everything was possible. ”

The good news of the young woman from Barranquilla also came from Emisora ​​Atlántico in the rapid campaign that allowed Jorge Cura to get Valeria a treatment at the Portoazul Clinic and a scholarship with the Promigas company, to continue his medical studies at the University of North.
