The ABC on curfew and prohibition in 11 neighborhoods of Cartagena | THE UNIVERSAL


As of today, December 1, 11 Cartagena neighborhoods enter that curfew and dry law.

This was established by the Mayor of Cartagena, William Dau Chamatt, through Decree 1473, in order to control the contagion of COVID-19 in these sectors of the city, since to date these neighborhoods are the ones with the highest active cases of coronavirus: Blas de Lezo (37); San Fernando (36); Sleeve (35); El Pozón (32); The Alps (29) Olaya Herrera (29); Veal (28); Las Gaviotas (28); New Forest (26); Zaragocilla (25) and El Campestre (24). (It may interest you: Cartagena returns to rigorous measures for COVID-19)

The measure left several questions not only within the residents of these neighborhoods, but throughout Cartagena. Here are some clarifications.

– Hours and until when is the measure going?

So far, the curfew and dry law are in effect until 00:00 on December 16.

It should be noted that the curfew time is between 9:00 pm and 5:00 am the next day, while the prohibition time goes from 8:00 pm to 6:00 am

– Should stores, restaurants and other businesses close early?

Yes. From tonight the commercial establishments located in these 11 neighborhoods cannot attend the public in person after 8:00 pm until 6:00 am the next day.

Shops of essential goods and services will be able to sell through home services and platforms 24 hours a day, for example drugstores.

In the rest of Cartagena, face-to-face attention to the public for stores and commercial activities will continue until midnight.

– Can I drink alcohol at home?

Decree 1473 only prohibits the consumption of intoxicating alcoholic beverages in open spaces and commercial establishments, from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., which means that there are no restrictions for people to drink inside. of their homes.

– Who is exempt from prohibition and curfew?

As such, no sector or person is free from these measures. The decree establishes that the restrictions do not apply only in cases of force majeure and acts of God.

However, the full exercise of medical personnel and others linked to the provision of the health service is guaranteed.

– How do I do if I have to go to work during the hours not allowed to circulate?

In this regard, people who must leave due to the fulfillment of their work activity must make the respective requests for permits before the Secretary of the Interior. For this they must send an email to pqrsecinterior @ cartagena.

“The secretariat studies the grounds of the petition and is in charge of granting permits to leave at the times that are prohibited, taking into account the validity of the curfew,” said David Múnera, Secretary of the Interior.

– Can you exercise at any time?

The residents of these 11 neighborhoods with special care will not be able to perform physical activities after 9 at night and before 5 in the morning, because during the curfew no one should be on the streets.

– Can I go out with my pet?

No, you must do it during the hours allowed for the movement of people.

– Can I have parties at my house?

No. Private events involving crowds are still prohibited.

– Can I drive my vehicle through one of the neighborhoods with a curfew?

No, unless it is the only access route to get to another neighborhood without the measure. María Claudia Peñas, advisor for the Economic Reactivation of the District, explained that the main roads of Blas de Lezo, San Fernando, Manga, El Pozón, Los Alpes, Olaya Herrera, Ternera, Las Gaviotas, Nuevo Bosque, Zaragocilla and El Campestre, will be closed.

– What happens with those who do not comply with the measures?

People or businesses that violate the curfew and dry law may receive a criminal penalty provided for in article 368 of the Penal Code or a fine provided for in article of the Sole Regulatory Decree 780 of 2016.

– Will Transcaribe continue to operate?

The Integrated Mass Transportation System (Sitm) will continue to work on its regular schedule in these 11 neighborhoods. The feeder routes will begin operations from 5 in the morning until 9:30 at night. During that half hour of curfew, people who have permission to leave may be mobilized.

Will there be controls by the authorities in these 11 neighborhoods with special care?

The Secretary of the Interior said that today he will lead a security caravan through the neighborhoods sheltered by the curfew and dry law.

In the coming days, the security agencies, district government authorities and the National Police will guarantee compliance with the decree with rigorous operations. They may request military assistance if necessary.

– Can the curfew be extended to other neighborhoods?

Yes. If on December 15 other neighborhoods of the city also show increases in infections, the Dau administration indicated that the measures will surely be extended to these places.

In addition, if the 11 neighborhoods with special care do not have improvements, greater restrictions will be issued.

– In the rest of Cartagena are restrictions lifted?

No. In the rest of the city, the control and biosecurity measures that had been implemented to date continue.

Commerce establishments, previously registered on the website provided by the Cartagena Mayor’s Office, must continue to abide by the protocols and guarantee the distancing of their customers.

The general public must continue to use the mask in a mandatory way and implement self-care measures.

The activities of the hotel industry in the insular zone, which are not authorized in the pilot plan to reopen the islands, are still prohibited; the disembarkation in the insular zone of ships of any draft or specification destined for tourist, recreational or sports activities, with the exception of the hotels that are authorized in the pilot plan; the stay on the beaches and the entry of bathers into the sea, allowing exclusively in the five stretches of beach enabled until today.

The Secretary of the Interior invited citizens who are not covered by curfew and prohibition to behave well, have discipline, self-care and be responsible. “We do nothing if the neighborhoods that are not included in this decree continue to carry out activities that generate crowds, parties and do not take protection measures (masks, no hand washing),” said David Múnera.
