The ABC for healthy eating in times of quarantine


FEEDING It is healthy when it favors good health and reduces the risk of chronic diseases related to bad habits previously adopted. Epidemiological research has shown a close relationship between diet and the risk of developing chronic diseases characterized by high morbidity and mortality, so it is necessary to establish reference standards that serve as a guide to guarantee adequate nutritional status, particularly at vulnerable times.

The Colombian Association of Osteoporosis and Mineral Metabolism (Acomm) carries out an informative campaign regarding the importance of adequate food in young adults and older people during quarantine, in order to promote the consumption of foods that optimize adequate nutrition in these stages of life.

Dr. Miguel Ángel González, orthopedist, traumatologist and president of the association explains that “one of the vital foods in bone health is calcium, an important mineral for our body. The most important functions of this substance are the formation of bones and teeth, since 95% of it is there. Eating calcium-rich foods during childhood and the early years of adulthood will lead a much healthier life in old age, preventing osteoporosis and its serious consequences. “

Therefore, the different macronutrients and micronutrients must be taken into account to cover most of the physiological needs, these are influenced by numerous factors, such as gender, age, physiological status, body composition, physical activity and specific characteristics of each individual.

In this regard, nutritionist María Clara Obregon, member of the association adds that “milk is vital because it is a food rich in nutrients and it is a vital source of energy and nutritional value for humans. Its consumption can be found in the history of humanity for approximately 11,000 years. Cow’s milk is a rich source of nutrients, its proteins are of high biological value and contain readily available amino acids. Its lipids provide essential fatty acids and its micronutrients (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin A, D, among others) give special and essential support for the normal functioning of the body ”.

Therefore, a healthy diet must comply with the principles of being varied, balanced, adequate and healthy.


  • That includes a great offer and food options since no ingredient has the capacity to offer or provide all the necessary nutrients.
  • You should consider all the options of the different food groups; Evidence suggests that at least 20 to 30 different types of ingredients are needed in a week for a healthy diet.

Balanced and adequate

  • It must be adapted to the person’s physiological conditions, age and physical activity.
  • It must respond to both customs and regional foods, so that it meets the nutritional needs of each person, taking into account their particular characteristics and circumstances.


  • It refers to a diet that meets the needs of nutrients without deficits or excesses, percentage distribution of macronutrients according to daily caloric needs and the interaction of nutrients.
  • It must promote a good state of health, in turn, it will decrease the risk of suffering from diet-related illnesses.

For Acomm it is very important that in quarantine days people eat adequately, for the prevention of diseases such as osteoporosis, in addition to the benefits it brings to general health.
