The 5 most common COVID symptoms in Cartagena | THE UNIVERSAL


According to a report presented by the District Administrative Department of Health, Dadis, these are the six most common symptoms of COVID-19 among those infected in Cartagena de Indias, as of November 1, 2020:

1. Cough. We all know that coughing is a reflex that keeps the throat and airways clear and, although it can be annoying, it helps the body to heal or protect itself, which perhaps not all of us imagine is that it is the most common symptom among people infected by the new coronavirus in Cartagena: in March, when 107 cases were reported, 81.4% of patients had a cough and that trend continued until October. (You may be interested: Cartagena adds 166 new cases to its accumulated COVID-19)

2. Fever. Fever is a higher than normal body temperature, which can vary from person to person, but is usually around 37ºC. Fever is not an illness and, in general, it is a sign that your body is trying to fight an illness or infection. With a COVID-19 patient he has a fever, his body is trying to kill the virus; Most viruses survive well when your body is at normal temperature, but if you have a fever, it is more difficult for them to survive. In Cartagena, this is the second most manifested symptom by people with COVID-19 since March, when 54.9% of patients suffered from it. This trend continued until October.

3. Adinamia. It is a symptom that produces muscle weakness with easy fatigue; it can be characterized by the absence of movement or reaction, which can lead to a state of prostration. This lack or loss of normal vital force is the third most manifested symptom by COVID-19 patients in Cartagena.

Although in March and April it remained in less than 20% of the cases, it must be said that from May more began to appear, reaching third place.

4. Odynophagia. It is the pain experienced when swallowing solid and liquid foods, colloquially called a sore throat. Although in the first two months of the pandemic (March and April) it was manifested in less than 10% of cases, in May it had a considerable increase, in June and July it declined again, but between August, September and October it increased again. Consider here that COVID-19 cases increased dramatically from May (3,741 were reported) to June (6,419) and July (7,687). (You may be interested: COVID vaccine: the hope that still challenges us)

5. Shortness of breath. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 1 in 5 people who contract COVID-19 end up with a serious condition and experience breathing difficulties. Older people and those with previous medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart or lung problems, diabetes, or cancer are more likely to have severe conditions. In Cartagena, although only in March it exceeded 20% of cases (it may have to do with the fact that only 107 positives were reported in March), it has been present every month.

About the asymptomatic

As the World Health Organization has reaffirmed, more than 80% of people suffering from COVID-19 suffer from mild symptoms or are asymptomatic, but they can infect others, that is why it is so important to keep the minimum physical distance of 2 meters with other people, wear masks and wash our hands constantly.

In Cartagena, reported asymptomatic patients represented less than 10% in March, but with the passing of the months they increased: in April they were already more than 20%, in May more than 30%, in June more than 40%, in July the 50%, and in the following three months, more than 30%.
