the 12 key questions to understand how Cali will be reactivated from today


With the elimination of the peak and the ID, it is estimated that nearly 300,000 people will mobilize again today in Cali to return to their work, within the framework of the new phase of selective isolation that began to rule the country from zero hours. of this Tuesday.

According to Argemiro Cortés, secretary of Municipal Economic Development, seven sectors will be reactivated as of today in the capital of the Valley, and another ten are expected to begin operating as of September 5.

“With the reopening of the new sectors, we estimate that about 95% of the Cali economy will be reactivated. The only businesses that cannot open are bars and nightclubs, nor can events for more than 50 people be held, ”explained Cortés.

In summary, practically all activities of daily life will be allowed from today, but with the respective biosafety protocols, such as the use of a mask, hand washing and physical separation of two meters.

El País explains the details of this new stage of selective isolation.

What sectors are opening today in Cali?

Gyms, social clubs, recreational centers, inter-municipal transportation, cholado stalls, churches and education centers for work will be able to reactivate their activities from today, as long as they comply with the biosecurity protocols required by the authorities.

What other sectors will be reactivated in the coming days?

Theaters, museums, libraries, movie theaters, dance schools, casinos, adult entertainment venues, amusement parks, botanical gardens and nature reserves. It is expected that these places can open their doors from September 5, as long as the biosecurity protocols are ready.

What sectors can not open yet?

Bars or discos. Remember that the consumption of liquor is also prohibited in any commercial establishment and in public spaces, although its sale is not restricted.

So how will the pilot to reactivate nightclubs in Cali be carried out?

On September 3, it will be held in a pilot in the Alameda neighborhood and on Bulevar del Río for the biosecurity reopening of bars and discos, under a concept called ‘Agua e’ lulo ‘, in which no liquor will be sold. The event will be held from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm and 27 establishments will participate in it (12 in Alameda and 15 in Bulevar), which will not open the doors of businesses, but will take the tables to the public space to that people can share outdoors.

Are all gyms licensed to operate as of today?

No. Of the 467 gyms and physical conditioning centers that Cali has, this Tuesday only 70 begin to operate, which are those that are part of the pilot with which the Mayor’s Office will begin to reactivate this sector. According to Carlos Diago, Secretary for Sports and Recreation, the other establishments will gradually open over the next 15 days as the biosecurity protocols are adjusted.

With what capacity will public transport operate?

The collective and mass public transport service will have a maximum passenger occupancy of 35% during the duration of the health emergency, that is, until November 30. However, this occupancy capacity may be increased to 50% in the following days, if authorized by the Government.

With what capacity can taxis and private vehicles operate?

The occupancy restrictions that had been in force for taxis and private vehicles were lifted. Now, each of these vehicles will be able to circulate with the maximum allowed on their respective property cards.

“This means that in a taxi with a capacity of 5 people, the driver and 4 passengers can be mobilized. The same occurs for private vehicles, according to their capacity, ”explained William Vallejo, Cali Mobility Secretary, who added that the measure that established that the occupant of a motorcycle should be exclusively from the family nucleus of the driver, was also lifted.

Will the pick and plate exceptions continue for doctors?

As of September 1, 2020, private vehicles of public sector officials and contractors, as well as the vehicles of health sector workers, will no longer be exempt from the peak and plate measure. For their part, special public land transport vehicles such as cars, campers and trucks with up to 5 seats will continue to be exempt from pick-up and license plates for the duration of the health emergency.

“It is important to clarify that the peak and plate for taxis and private vehicles is still in force as it has been operating throughout the city, and that the only vehicles of public officials that will continue to be exempt from the measure are those whose plates are official,” said the secretary of Mobility.

Was the peak and cedula permanently removed?

Yes, as of today, the measure of the peak and ID no longer goes, which had been implemented to restrict the presence on the streets of Caleños, avoid crowds and prevent the spread of covid. There will also be no more curfews in the city.

Will children and adults be able to circulate freely?

Yes. Remember that the only people who should be in total isolation are those who are infected with Covid-19 or those cases considered as suspects. However, it is recommended that older adults and people with underlying diseases remain in confinement.

What are the provisions for exercise?

Time restrictions for playing sports have also been abolished, so from now on people can exercise at any time of the day with the respective biosecurity measures. Please note that national regulations do not yet allow activities such as team sports or crowds of more than 50 people.

Will teleworking continue?

Yes. The Ministry of Health and Social Protection emphasized that companies must provide their workers with the possibility of continuing their work activities remotely, as far as possible, and the limit of the capacity in offices and work environments.

According to the Mayor’s Office of Cali, starting today swimming pools, wet areas, gyms, courts and other common areas of residential units may also be used.
