Territorial registered 431 this Tuesday


THE COUNTRY | Manizales

The Territorial Health Directorate of Caldas registered 431 new infections by covid-19 this Tuesday, the highest of which there is a record in the department since the pandemic began. The entity also reported six deaths: four in Manizales and two in La Dorada.

Carlos Iván Heredia, director of the Territorial Health, stated that the increase is due to the fact that the tests carried out increased, which allows identifying more asymptomatic cases to isolate them. “If the EPS commit themselves by doing more tests, the more positive we find and we can isolate them so that they do not infect more people,” said the director.


With the data from this Tuesday, the department reached 9,652, of these 5,114 active (62 hospitalized and 50 in Intensive Care Units) and 4,300 recovered. 211 people have died.

Of the 431 infections, 360 were in Manizales. The rest are distributed in Anserma (4), Chinchiná (5), La Dorada (8), Manzanares (2), Marmato (3), Pácora (2), Palestina (1), Riosucio (5), Samaná (2) , Supía (3), Villamaría (35) and Viterbo (1).

In Manizales

Although the Territorial Office reported 360 cases in Manizales, the Ministry of Health reported 363, with which there are already 3,319 active cases in the Caldas capital.
