Did you get a message with that ad? The application of Telegram has been on the rise and generated millions of downloads around the world after WhatsApp will publish its new policies for 2021. The main reason is that most do not want to accept the conditions that Facebook imposes on them to continue using their application.
According WhatsApp You can only use its platform if you want to share your personal information, as well as your cell phone number, with Facebook so that it improves its advertising system in companies.
This fact forced that, at the beginning of 2021, thousands downloaded the app developed by the brothers Nikolai and Pavel Dúrov. However, a strong rumor is spreading as to whether or not Mark Zuckerberg bought Telegram.
This message spreads rapidly not only by WhatsAppbut rather by the British-Emirati application. Now that everyone wants to run away from Facebook, is it true? What will happen to our new conversations? Will we turn to Signal?
The first thing we have to tell you is that it is totally false. Telegram It has not been bought by any company and continues to work with its own servers, without having any contact with WhatsApp. Likewise, there is no statement in its social networks nor in his official Web.
These types of hoaxes spread quickly in messaging apps since, in the message, they also mention that you must forward the text to several people so that their conversations are not in danger.
While WhatsApp has lost a large number of users, many like to use Telegram not because they feel safe talking to another person, but also because they can get new functions that have not been, yet, in the Facebook application.
So don’t pay attention to the information that appears on social networks and rest assured that Telegram has not been sold.
At the moment Telegram does not have the option to obtain the beta of its application on smartphones and Android like WhatsApp. So it is possible that, given its rise in popularity, it arrives and any user can subscribe. Would you join?