‘Supermán’ López takes the body to criticism for his Tour de France


After the final stage, Miguel Angel Lopez expressed in the Caracol Channel that he was happy because his goal as a debutante “was to finish in Paris”, so he described his performance as “dream fulfilled”.

And he put out his chest for his performance, despite the fact that there were media that criticized him for finishing in sixth place overall, something that he warned in Time columnist Juan Esteban Constaín when pointing out that the idols of national sport “We charge them dearly for our support and they leave us duty after their exploits“:

“What better than to finish in the ‘top 10’ and win the queen stage. It has been a good Tour for me, magnificent ”.

In addition, he highlighted the fact that he had no problems during the race, so he was considered ready for the race. World Road: “Thank God, I ended up in perfect health … There is a break and then we put on the Colombian shirt with high-quality people ”.

Finally, he pointed out that he had the trouble of letting third place escape: “I have the thorn for the illusion I had of being on the podium of the Tour de France because I was there, but a battle was lost, something normal ”.

On video, the words of ‘Supermán’ López:
